In Region 5 (Mahaica/Berbice) unvaccinated Healthcare workers were Monday morning locked out of the two main health care institutions in the Region namely the Mahaicony and Fort Wellington Hospitals.
Locked out from their workplaces also were unvaccinated Staffers of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region 5 even while those locked out claimed that there were other health care institutions in the Region like the Health Center at Bath Settlement where unvaccinatred staffers were allowed into the enter without any hindrance.
There was an armed Policeman assisting guards at the gates of the institutions from which the workers were locked out
Staffers of both the Health Care institutions and the Regional Administration said they were prepared to stand their ground in saying no to mandatory vaccinations..
Several Staffers locked out remained outside the worksites while a few others moved away after 1100 hrs.
A spokeswoman said that they will report for duty tomorrow and if locked out again they will mount a picketing demonstration in front of the Health care Institutions and the office of the RDC to further highlight their position that they should not be forced to take COVID 19 vaccines.