Below is police release
Place: Bosai Mineral Group, Republic Avenue, Mackenzie, Linden
Victim: Kersa Robertson, aged 39 years, a plant operator of Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden
Facts: Enquiries disclosed that on 2021-08-29 about 05:50 hours, the deceased went to his workplace, into the Foreman’s Office and subsequently left the said office, into the compound.
About 06:00 hours the deceased was heard screaming and seen running in the compound, engulfed in flames, subsequently collapsing when the fire was put out by the man’s colleague.
Roberston was rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex where he was admitted a patient, suffering from third and fourth degree burns to 95 percent of his body. He died about 08:45 hours whilst receiving treatment.
The area was canvassed by the Police who found Robertson’s haversack and what appeared to be a burnt plastic bottle and box of Swinger matches in a small concrete structure in the company’s compound.
The body of the deceased was escorted to the Pensioners Funeral Parlour, awaiting a post mortem examination.
Investigation ongoing.