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Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) and Member of Parliament, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, in empathic tone, made known discrimination in countries like Guyana is a scourge and will damage society unless course is changed to bring discrimination to a halt. Ramjattan, who is lawyer by profession, made the statement at the recent launch of the Institute for Action Against Discrimination (IAAD) at Paradise, West Coast Berbice.
In his address, Ramjattan pointed out there are very large clusters of political, economic and political discrimination in the society and applauded the IAAD for its effort to bring the issue to the fore. Ramjattan said it is a very good project that will help to put a halt to the scourge in society.
“I’m glad and very proud that a civil society kind of organisation is arranging a project against discrimination.”
Ramjattan, addressing the crowd both online and in person, pointed out that discrimination can come in a variety of manner, and people may least expect it to happen when it is happening.
He shared various examples of discrimination – political, racial, economical- and noted that he is extremely proud that the residents of Paradise and across the country, launched this group. He said he also believes the group would have to educate others across Guyana.
“It is fundamental that we do, organisationally, in the legitimate fashion, we can start by ensuring we publicise and educate… I wish to say that I am pleased to be associated with this organisation…Whatever support at the legal and political level I can give to advance the capacities and capabilities of this organisation, rest assured I will be there to support…,” said Ramjattan.
Pointing out that discrimination, if left unchecked, can become most explosive, the AFC leader warned that is not what we want for our society, as he urged others to organise legitimately to confront the scourge in society.
The IAAD will be holding another community meeting tomorrow at Golden Grove Community Centre at 4:30 p.m. The event will be live streamed on Village Voice and Sherod Duncan’s Credible Sources programme, and live streamed and broadcast on Mark Benschop radio 107.1 FM and also zoom.
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