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Dear Editor,
The Guyana Association of Municipalities wishes to comment on a statement made by Vice-President Jagdeo at a press conference held on the 23rd of March, 2023, at Freedom House.
In this statement the Vice-President chided the municipalities’ ability to address the issues of the citizens. We wish to state that local democracy was re-invigorated in 2016 under the David Granger administration, during which time monumental gains were made.
Ensuring that local democratic organs across the 10 Administrative Regions were given the resources needed to function effectively, was a priority of the Granger administration. Grants were provided to Municipalities based on the request of the Local Authority Area for sanitation projects, clearing and desilting of key drainage structures to reduce flooding. Landfill sites were managed effectively by the Ministry of Communities. Monies were budgeted for the construction of new landfill sites in many Local Democratic Organs.
Today, under the current administration, the Ministry of Local Government has relegated many of these projects to the bottom of their list of priorities. Monies were allocated in the 2021 and 2022 budgets for the Bell Vue, East Bank Berbice Landfill. To date, not a penny has been spent. Where is this money?
Ironically, Mr. Jagdeo did not mention the municipalities of Anna Regina, Rose Hall, and Corriverton, which are all in worst states than the ones he conveniently mentioned. These municipalities, Anna Regina, Rose Hall, and Corriverton, are often unable to cover expenses, such as wages and salaries, employees’ NIS contributions and Income Tax remittances.
I would like to remind the Vice-President that under the Granger administration, ALL Local Authority Areas had equal access to funding, with consultations as the yardstick to address the many challenges faced by the Local Government system across the length and breadth of Guyana. Local Government official and practitioners were engaged in annual consultations, through the National Local Government Conference. Much was achieved through that conference. Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Town Clerks, Overseers and Chairpersons of NDCs are now beneficiaries of stipends, as a result of those conferences. Unfortunately, since 2020, not a dollar has been given to the managers of any of the Local Authority Areas.
Prior to 2016, municipalities were given $10 million subvention. In 2016 this was increased by 60% to $16 million. NDCs were given $4 million, a 50% increase, along with major infrastructural developments. These budgetary allocations were given early in the year to all Local Authority Areas to complete its work. Under this administration, it is commonplace for the initial release of finances to occur after the first quarter of the year. Does this practice show any respect for local democracy, or the citizens of Guyana?
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development now dictates how Government’s subvention must be spent. Where is the autonomy of the council as prescribed by the constitution?
A forensic comparison will show that significantly more is being done in PPP controlled Local Democratic Organs than in those under Opposition control. Little development and resources are accessible to Local Democratic Organs to improve the standard of living of citizens. Am I to assume that this is part of the “One Guyana” that is being peddled?
The fluff and bluff about local democracy under the PPP is nothing more than a smokescreen. The Ali-Jagdeo regime never consults on projects in local government organs. Contracts are awarded without the knowledge of Local Authority managers. Details such as the name of the contractor, the cost of the contract, and project requirements are being withheld from relevant stakeholders. Many of these contract sums are reportedly heavily inflated, to accommodate kickbacks.
Government Ministries owe taxes to the tune of millions of dollars, which they pay if and when they like. These are classic examples of hindrances to development, which in turn stymies the development of communities.
Give the Local Democratic Organs what is due to them, using the formula from the Fiscal Transfer Act, and appraise their effectiveness. If local government bodies are given half the monies allocated to GuySuCo, the lives of citizens would be greatly improved.
In closing, allow me to remind Mr. Jagdeo that he has no moral authority to speak on matters of local government, since it was under his tenure as president that Local Government Elections were suspended, contrary to the constitution.
Yours Truly,
Kirk Fraser
Guyana Association of Municipalities