The Alliance For Change (AFC) has launched a scathing attack on Leonard Craig, a former member, now spokesperson for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), accusing him of dishonesty and propaganda. The AFC has responded strongly to Craig’s recent public statements on oil and gas and environmental matters, claiming that his lack of expertise undermines any legitimate debate on critical national issues.
In a statement released Tuesday, the AFC declared its ability to provide factual, well-researched, and technically sound information on issues such as oil, gas, and the environment has rattled the PPP/C government. The party feels to combat its rising influence in the sector the PPP/C has resorted to using unqualified individuals like Craig to engage in public debates.
The AFC blasted the PPP/C for failing to provide competent spokespersons to address serious national matters, particularly in sectors of oil, gas, and the environment, and for trivialising serious issues by placing individuals with minimal understanding to speak to these crucial issues.
One such individual, the AFC claimed, is Craig, who has no knowledge or qualifications on oil and gas. According to the Party, “Craig cannot comprehend the elementary concept and arithmetic to calculate oil profits and that it is impossible for Guyana to ever obtain 52% profit as promised by VP Jagdeo, so, he must stop his fakery until he can produce his qualifications to speak on oil & gas and environmental matters.”
The AFC’s main contention with Craig, however, lies in his apparent misunderstanding of the oil and gas industry, particularly his inability to calculate the financial returns that the government could realistically expect from oil production.
According to the AFC, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo had previously promised Guyanese citizens that the country would receive a 52% profit from oil revenues, an assertion that the AFC insists is impossible under the current terms of the country’s oil agreements.
The AFC has accused Craig of spreading misinformation on behalf of the PPP/C, calling for him to produce his qualifications in order to speak credibly on such complex issues. The party specifically criticised Craig’s failure to engage with the technical aspects of the oil and gas sector, which, according to them, undermines any legitimate discourse on the future of Guyana’s oil wealth.
The AFC is also calling on Craig to disclose whether or not he completed his taxpayer-funded education in China and whether he was truthful about his academic credentials, which allegedly resulted in an inflated salary increase. “We are asking the people of Guyana to think carefully about the individuals the PPP has chosen to represent them in important discussions about the country’s future,” the AFC stated.
While the AFC reserved its harshest criticism for Craig, it also took the opportunity to highlight its own team of experts, such as former public infrastructure minister David Patterson and Dr. Vincent Adams, who have extensive experience in the fields of oil and gas, engineering, and environmental protection. The party emphasised that its members were highly qualified to discuss and manage the oil and gas industry, pointing to their proven track record in advocating for Guyanese interests.
Dr. Adams, in particular, was highlighted as a global leader in the oil and gas and environmental sectors. With over 47 years of international experience, Adams held senior positions with the U.S. Department of Energy, British Petroleum, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He is also a former national cricketer and an advocate for environmental protection and community development in Guyana.
Under the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) government, Adams was credited with securing a full guarantee from ExxonMobil to cover the cost of a potential oil spill—a move that the AFC claims was a critical step in protecting the nation’s finances. The PPP/C, however, was criticised for joining forces with ExxonMobil to oppose this guarantee.
“We have experts like Dr. Adams who have spent their careers managing complex energy and environmental issues,” the AFC stated. “It’s unbelievable that the PPP would put forward a person like Leonard Craig to challenge such credible and well-established professionals.”
In its concluding remarks, the AFC demanded Craig and the PPP/C answer pressing questions regarding the mismanagement of oil revenues. The party also expressed confidence in its ability to continue exposing the PPP/C’s failings of and presenting an alternative vision for Guyana’s future.
“The Guyanese people deserve transparency, honesty, and expertise when it comes to their future,” the AFC said. “We will continue to hold the PPP accountable for their actions and ensure that they are not allowed to deceive the people of this country with false promises and empty rhetoric.”
As the political battle intensifies, it is clear that the AFC is positioning itself as the primary challenger to the PPP/C’s dominance in the oil and gas sector, and it is likely the debate over Guyana’s oil wealth and distribution will only heat up in the lead-up to elections constitutionally due this year. The AFC has made it clear that it will not back down in its efforts to challenge the government on these critical issues.