Caribbean language is as rich, vibrant and colourful as its people. We find similarities and differences but all go into that cauldron of history mixed from diverse cultures, languages, food etc. that we have all made into one beautiful stew, cook-up or whatever you want to call it that has shaped our collective and individual identities.
Whether its Guyana creole, Jamaican patois, or others in the Caribbean (CARICOM) family there are sayings that have been passed down through the generations some of which are downright quirky, informative and sometimes hilarious.
Here are some of them unique to us in Guyana and also used by others, and some that we may be hearing for the first time:
- All cassava get same skin but all nah taste same way (Guyana)
Despite similarities, we’re all different.
- What sweet in goat mouth sour in he bam bam (Trinidad & Tobago)
It may seem nice now, but you will pay the consequences later.
- All fish does bite, but shark does get di blame (BVI)
Those with a history of bad behaviour are usually the first ones accused.
- Yuh a swap black dawg fi monkey (Jamaica)
To give up one bad situation for another, often used in reference to relationships.
- Bad ting neva got owner (Belize)
No one wants to take responsibility for a mistake or bad situation.
- Bèl antèman pa vle di paradi (Haiti)
A beautiful funeral doesn’t mean you’re going to heaven.
- Yuh cyah make love on hungry belly (Trinidad & Tobago)
Love alone isn’t enough when getting into a serious relationship. Love doesn’t put food on the table.
- Better fish in di sea dan wha get ketch (Barbados)
There’s always a better option.
- Big tree fall down, goat bite he leaf (Guyana)
When the mighty fall on hard times, they are disrespected by all.
- Playing dead to ketch corbeau alive (Trinidad & Tobago)
Being stealthy to trick or lure someone. Feigning ignorance to catch someone in the act.
- Blood falla vein (Belize)
Family comes first.
- Yuh cyah play mas if yuh fraid powder (Trinidad & Tobago)
This saying draws reference to carnival and is essentially a warning not to get involved in something if you can’t handle all it entails.
- Cat ketch rat, but he teef he massa fish (Guyana)
Good and evil often come from the same source.
- Dutty water cool hot iron (British Virgin Islands)
Everything has a purpose.
- Ebery pat gat a kibber (Belize)
There’s someone for everyone.
- Goat doh make sheep (Trinidad & Tobago)
Chip off the old block. Children behave like or have similar mannerisms to their parents.
- Haad ears pickny nyam rockstone (Jamaica)
Disobedient children often learn the hard way.
- Hog ask he mumma “whe mek yum out so long” He mumma say ‘nu worry chile, you soon fine out.” (Belize)
Experience teaches wisdom.
- Hungry mek cat eat salt (Barbados)
Necessity or hard times force people to do strange things. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
- Laugh an cry does live in the same house. (Trinidad & Tobago)
The thing that makes you happy could also bring you pain.
- Moon run faas but day ketch im (Antigua & Barbuda)
You can’t run forever, one day you will face the consequences of your actions/misdeeds.
- Two poor cow does make good dung (Barbados)
People of limited means can greatly improve their circumstances by working together.
- Wey horse reach, jackass does reach too (Trinidad & Tobago)
Slow and steady wins the race. Your current situation doesn’t determine how far you’ll go. You can beat the odds and enjoy success that surpasses those who previously had the advantage.
- When pickny waa cry, yuh only look pan dem an dem cry (Belize)
Some people love to complain and will complain about any and everything.
- You can do as you like, but not for as long as you like. (Barbados)
Everyone has a breaking point.
- Doh count egg in fowl bottom (Trinidad)
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Don’t make plans based on things you aren’t yet certain of.
- Gopaul luck aint Seepaul luck (Trinidad)
We don’t all have the same opportunities. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa.
Extracted and modified from Loop News’ story by Dionne Baptiste