Dear Editor,
Imagine accepting a few sinecurism positions as a Guyanese from the People’s Progressive Party; while leaders and masses of your ancestral group are marginalised, subjugated, put in subservient positions, disrespected, insulted, denied ownership/control or access to ancestral land, denied government contracts, rejected from genuine leadership roles and employment in the public and private sector, being subjected to prejudiced budgetary capital allocations and having to take legal action to retain property rightfully possessed.
Then being treated as having less value, than your fellow Guyanese, such as being reduced to second class citizen status and being disdained as servants and water fetchers.
Add to the above – the frequent and brazen use of Jim Crow language onslaught against African-Guyanese in 2022.
Re: African Guyanese have in the recent past been referred to a stupid, lazy, intellectually bankrupt, criminals, unsavory characters, parasites and clowns by the leadership and acolytes of the governing elites.
Some African-Guyanese have shamelessly accepted and/or stayed in token status positions, where they are used as window dressers, rubber stamps, show pieces and parrots – to defend and promote the disenfranchising racist policies of the PPP that wholly disrespects and denigrates African-Guyanese.
The racist onslaught continues daily and will only stop when we speak and act as free men. Courage is the touchstone that resolves to live and die free.
Power is never conceded to people on their knees. We have to stand and steel ourselves to get our economic patrimony and human rights, amidst this genocidal economic onslaught by the PPP on African-Guyanese.
Nigel Hinds