The Guyana Police Force has issued an advisory for the flow of traffic at the Kingston Seawall in the vicinity of the Bandstand and Esplanade today, Friday December 27, 2024. This is to accommodate the holding of an event. To this end the Traffic Department will put in place the following traffic arrangements commencing from 15:30hrs to 22:00hrs today along the Seawall Road.
** Seawall Road from Battery Road (Pegasus Hotel) will be closed to traffic proceeding east and west owing to the presence of children and a distribution booth on the road.
** Rabbit Walk & Seawall Road – No entry West
** Camp Road & Seawall Road- No entry West
Motorists are therefore advised to use Young Street, Camp Street and Carifesta Avenue for destinations further east.
** Attendees are advised to utilize the parking to the rear of Marriott and Pegasus Hotels and along Sewall Road from Camp Road further East on the Southern Parapet.
** No Parking along the Sewall Road between Pegasus Suites Entrance to Rabbit Walk
The Traffic Department of Guyana Police Force is appealing to all road users to adhere to the traffic arrangements and observe all Traffic Laws and Regulations. This event is expected to attract a large amount of pedestrian traffic hence the necessary precautionary measures as requested by the host.
The space under consideration is commanded by Senior Superintendent Michael Kingston, Regional Commander and Assistant Superintendent Raun Clark, Regional Traffic Officer (604-5973).