With less than seven days remaining in 2024 Guyanese are reflecting on the past and pondering what’s in store for them in 2025. Although our motto was aimed to promote and build “One People, One Nation and One Destiny” we are divided; our communities are divided; many live in fear, and opportunities are presented to only a few. These are happening in a country of abundant wealth and opportunities; a country with more than enough resources for all to thrive. We must rise!
We must rise as one people and demand what is rightly ours- justice, equality, good governance, and equity in the distribution of resources. It does not matter your class, race or political association. It does not matter which group you belong to; you are no less entitled to equal treatment. All are no less entitled. We must rise and speak with one accord.
This is a society governed by universal laws, a society whose people aspire under the motto “One People One Nation One Destiny,” yet there remain pervasive social, economic and political inequities. We must move beyond paying lip service to making these values and aspirations real.
According to a recent World Bank Report, approximately half the society lives in poverty. Data also suggests many of our children go to school without a meal, and many do not go to school because their parents cannot afford to put a meal on their tables. In the world’s fastest growing economy, many Guyanese are going through challenging economic circumstances.
We are living in two societies, where the gap between the haves and have-nots is ever widening. Some are beginning to feel they are doomed to a life of poverty, and it is only a few in Guyana and resource predators are reaping the bounty of this land.
In this beloved land many are made to feel they are unwanted and do not belong. It is beginning to feel like the experiences of other countries where ‘Jack don’t want us to bathe on our beach….Jack wants to kick us out of reach.’ We must tell the PPP ‘dat can’t happen here’ because every square inch of this land belongs to us, and we must be allowed to exercise the freedom to traverse it, to develop it, and to reap its bounty.
Our resources cannot serve others and not us. Whilst we must not be opposed to sharing our wealth with investors and developers, it must not be to the disadvantage of our country, our people, the majority of whom are either living in poverty or just above the poverty line. We want development that is sustainable, where every Guyanese can be involved and benefit from, whether directly or indirectly such as jobs, healthcare development, education. We need to create the environment for all to thrive.
This government is acting without care, compassion or interest in ensuring economic equity. There is a brazen and unconscionable disrespect for the people and the laws of this country. This issue is not about race, religion and party politics; it is about the people who are subjected to constant harassment and discrimination. We must vow to create a new politics, a new Guyana, where all can thrive, live in peace and harmony.
Compliments of the Season and a Prosperous 2025 to all!