The Opposition People’s National Congress Reform/A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has expressed dissatisfaction with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) wages policy, dubbing it anti-working class and ad-hoc. The government last week announced a 10 per cent wage/salary increase across the board for public servants and an eight per cent for 2025.
The PNCR blasted the payout accusing the government of failing to have a wages policy, noting at the same time the increase fails to address the high cost of living, will not attract and retain skilled workers to the public service and will increase social and economic inequality. According to the party the increase is yet another demonstration of government’s ad-hocery and anti-employee political culture.
The average Guyanese citizen knows there is no hope for a high quality of life under a PPP government, the PNCR stated and outlined what could be achieved should the party form the next government. General and Regional Elections are constitutionally due next year.
According to the PNCR/APNU its approach to increase salary will be guided by the following objectives and outcomes:
“ i. we will reduce or remove the burdens of high living costs on workers and the unwanted inequalities in our society. We have, for example, announced our intention to offer up to 35% salary increase and to raise the tax-free threshold and tax allowance to $400,000 a month. The latter measure will benefit the approximately 220,000 workers in both the public and private sectors. Along with our other measures, we will ensure all Guyanese households have a monthly livable income regardless of where you work.
“ ii. we will ensure our public service can attract and retain skilled workers. This is critical if we are to ensure that businesses and citizens can receive efficient and effective services.
” iii. we will respect the public sector unions as the legitimate representatives of public servants. As such, we are committed to collective bargaining. We will also reverse the PPP’s vengeful anti-union actions, such as the discontinuation of automatic deduction of dues.
“ iv. our approach recognizes that the Public Service is a net contributor to the economy. It performs a myriad of functions without which the country stands to lose far more than the public service wage bill. From healthcare, education, law and order, national defense, tax administration and collection, and the provision of water and electricity (to name a few), the public service contributes to the society and economy far in excess of its maintenance cost. It is, therefore, not a burden on the national treasury as some falsely and deceptively argue.
” v. our approach recognizes that public servants as individuals are also consumers, investors, savers, and producers. As such, they contribute to the economy over and above their role as providers of public service.
“ vi. we will respect the fact that public servants are also parents, breadwinners, and family members. Along with other citizens, they are also owners of Guyana’s natural endowment and have rights to a decent quality of life. As such, they too must benefit from our vast oil wealth. We will end the PPP treatment of public servants as second-class citizens.
“ vii. Apart from wages, we will ensure conditions of work in the public service meet international standards in terms of physical facilities, respect for basic human rights, opportunities for reskilling and up-skilling, and other employment practices.”
The PNCR advised that with the above and other measures and plans, a PNCR/APNU government will transform the quality of life of all employees and the way Guyana functions.