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Parrot’s Beak, Pedicularis racemose. Parrot’s beak has a unique flower. The petals are shaped like a parrot’s beaks, giving it its name. The flowers grow in clusters as a stalk and have a broad three-lobed lower lip and are white to cream-coloured, yellow or pink depending on location and flower in the summer. The alternate leaves are narrow, stalkless, (or with short stalk) and have toothed margins.
Identification: Parrot’s beak flowers have petals shaped like parrot’s beaks. The flowers grow in clusters on a stalk and have a broad three-lobed lower lip and an upper lip that curves over the lower lobes. Flowers are white to cream-colored, yellow, or pink depending on location, and flower in the summer.
Skeletal Muscle Relaxer: For muscle tension and small muscle tremors, parrot’s beak as a tea or tincture works as an excellent muscle relaxer, relieving pain by relaxing the muscles.
Medicinal Use: The leaves and flower petals are medicinally active. They are relaxing and bringing a feeling of peace and contentment. You can use it as a tea, tincture, or a smoking blend. All bring medicinal effects. Smoking it does not produce a “high” feeling, but rather a peaceful feeling of well-being with occasional slight giddiness.
Emotional Stress and Anxiety: Parrot’s beak is relaxing and helps people cope with emotional stress and anxiety.
Skeleton Muscle Relaxer: For muscle tension and small muscle tremors parrots beak as a tea or tincture works as an excellent muscle relaxer relieving pain by relaxing the muscles massage therapists often give this to patients before massage to release muscle tension
Relaxation and Mild Sedative: This herb acts as a mild sedative relieve in pain relaxing the body and bringing a sense of calm
Tension and Stress Headaches: parrots beak is good for treating tension headaches and headaches caused by stress thought doses are usually quickly effective at relaxing the body and relieving a headache
Smoking and drug withdrawal: This herb is calming and relaxing it helps with some of the withdrawal symptoms from drug or smoking.
Insomnia: Parrot’s beak is a good sleep aid it helps the body relax and has mild sedative properties
Harvesting: harvest the leaves at any time. Flower petals are harvested in the late morning while they are fresh and the dew has dried. Dry the flowers and leaves for future use. Harvest only what you need as it is not a common plant and leave plenty in the area you have harvest.
Warning: The plant is relaxing and can give you a Spacey feeling start with a low dose and increase as needed
Recipes. Parrot’s Peak Tea: Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dried and crushed parrot’s beak flower petals and leaves and 1 cup boiling water.
Place the herb in a tea ball pour the boiling water over the herbs and allow it to sleep for five to 10 minutes strain all the herbs and drink the tea as needed
(The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies- Nicole Apelian, Ph.D & Claudia Davis)