In a blistering critique, earlier today, of the apparent absence of response by the Guyana Police Force into sexual assault allegation made by Sarah Hakh against Nigel Dharamlall, the Guyana Press Association (GPA) demanded answers and action. Last Friday the complainant presented to the media detailed account of alleged sexual violations by the accused dating back to September 27, 2020, including various efforts to have her complaints addressed through the police, media and government officials.
In a statement GPA expressed lack of response to media queries related to the alleged sexual assault and cyberbullying made against Dharamlall, former minister of government and Member of Parliament. To this end the media wanted to know:-
– Whether the Cove and John Police Station received a report about an alleged rape implicating Dharamlall
– Whether the police can confirm it received a report about alleged cyber bullying
– Can the police say what action has since been taken
– Has the Former Minister been invited for questioning
Forced to respond to GPA’s enquired the Police in a statement said Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum indicated a formal report was made by Hahk to the Cove and John Police Station. The Police accepted the allegations are serious and the matter is under active investigation. The Police also said it spoke to sections of the media but failed to name them.
A pattern with Dharamlall?
May/June 2023 Dharamlall was accused of raping and sodomising a teenager from the indigenous community. Amidst much haranguing of the alleged victim the case was dropped by the police for the want of evidence provided by the teen, but this was not before an alleged payment was made to the family.
Last June, Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader and Member of Parliament Khemraj Ramjattan, appearing on GlobeSpan24x7 stated the information in the statement by the minor “was sufficient for sodomy and rape to be the charges against the minister.” The AFC leader who is also an attorney-at-law, and providing counsel to the alleged victim’s parent said examination reveals evidence consistent with sexual intercourse. He expressed dismay when the matter was dropped on the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
In that allegation Dharamlall retained Hughes, Fields and Stoby Law Firm. This representation attracted criticism, accompanied by protest action asking the firm to drop the case. Member of the firm, attorney-at-law Nigel Hughes, engaged the protestors.
A senior police officer, speaking off the record, told this publication there is pattern with this “suspect” but the police are constrained by the politicians and DPP from acting. According to the officer, whilst he understands the public’s anger the police in powerless in this situation, and to have charges brought against the accused, the public must agitate for it. “Unless they do, this case will be dropped like the previous one.”
Dharamlall’s denial
Immediately after Hakh told her story to the media, Dharamlall released a statement denying the allegations, calling them “malicious.” He also said Hahk is a “spurned” admirer, whose advances and attempts to engage in an intimate relationship rebuffed. Hahk told the media she is a lesbian and made clear her sexual attraction to women.
At the just concluded People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) 32nd Congress Dharamlall was re-elected to the Party’s Central Executive Committee, gaining the sixth highest votes.
Sexual violence
According to the United Nations, in principle, victims have the right not to be judged, blamed or held responsible for any harm they suffer from sexual exploitation or abuse.
The World Health Organisation advised that one in three (30%) of women worldwide have “been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.”