By Bibi Narine- In observance of Black History Month: Remembering Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham (O.E., S.C), intellectual, quintessential orator, strategist, statesman, outstanding trade unionist (The British Guiana Labour Union), and former President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
Interestingly, whenever I say the words ‘Co-operative Republic of Guyana’, I think of L.F.S.B. saying them, in his somewhat deliberate way, as was his way. It was as though he massaged, and caressed them, before letting them go. It was as though they came from deep within him; and when people heard them, their hearts were touched and patriotism bloomed in their minds. Such is the psyche, necessary for respect, and loyalty to country; without which we cannot have nationhood. Some may say that Guyana, an infant, in its independence stature in 1966, needed a Burnham.
His reign was not without its flaws, but, L.F.S.B. engaged the circumstances that were his lot, post colonialism, and did so with a depth and width of vision that redounded to our country’s benefit to this day, despite the political, economic, and ideological sabotage that had assaulted his efforts. In fact, Vincent Alexander, Chairman of The Burnham Foundation, describes L.F.S.B’s vision as being kaleidoscopic. Truth be told, he was a trailblazer, and, perhaps, given the facts of the case, should one choose to examine them, it, indeed, may be said, as asserted by Alexander, that Mr. Burnham, “is best described as the author of Guyana’s Independence.”
Those who know Truth, must fearlessly embrace it, so that others might find the courage to do likewise; or forever bury their heads in the sands of ignorance, much to the mirth of their enemies; who will happily witness the extinguishing of their opponents’ light; thus paving the way for continued rule of darkness. (extracted from Narine’s Facebook)