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The story of rice flour in Guyana is a tale of two opposing views. For decades, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) relentlessly campaigned against former President Forbes Burnham for his decision to introduce rice flour as a substitute for wheat flour in the 1980s. However, fast forward to today, and those same PPP supporters are now applauding efforts by the PPP’s Guyana Rice Development Board and a local company to produce a bread they call “Rice flour bread.”
Those who were once against the idea of rice flour and who would take to social media and the local newspapers to excoriate Forbes Burnham for introducing rice flour, are now championing its benefits, citing the versatility of the ingredient and the positive impact it could have on Guyana’s rice industry. They point to the fact that locally produced rice flour offers a healthier alternative for those with gluten allergies and could reduce the country’s wheat flour import bill by 20%, saving hundreds of millions of dollars and supporting struggling farmers and millers.
On the other hand, supporters of the rice flour idea from 40 years ago argue that Burnham’s vision was badly handled, suffocated by relentless opposition, and that if it had been given a chance to benefit from innovations over the course of 40 years, Guyanese citizens would now be enjoying bread and pastries made from grain grown on their own soil. They point to the growing popularity of rice flour in the USA and its hypoallergenic qualities as evidence of its potential. They also point to the PPP being 40 yrs behind Burnham’s vision.
The story highlights the importance of PNC supporters and all Guyanese to take pride in the historical achievements and innovations that Guyana embraced 4 decades ago. Supporters of the PNC have much to be proud of and they should not allow the corrupt and visionless PPP propagandists to convince them with their dastardly lies. The Burnham era must be understood in context and the world today in which we all operate is certainly not the world in which Burhnam was forced to operate and skillfully navigate.
Nonetheless, the rice flour bread idea does demonstrate the value of looking beyond traditional solutions and exploring the potential of local resources to create sustainable opportunities and support local industries. Ultimately, the success of the rice flour bread venture will depend on whether it can overcome the historical opposition to rice flour and win over consumers with its taste and health benefits.