Capoey is an Indigenous Community on the Essequibo Coast.
The name Capoey was given by the Wapishana tribe and means “the moon is rising.”
On Sunday August 28 the community hosted its first regatta.
Capoey has about 500 residents and is a quiet community and home to the Capoey Lake which is one of the largest on the Coast. The lake side is adorned with benabs.
The community has a nursery school and a primary school. Children attend secondary school at Abram’s Zuil and Anna Regina.
The community also has churches and shops and is about to build a community hall. There are five lodges in the community where visitors can stay but booking is necessary.
Two years after the Great Flood (2005) the lake dried up (2007). Rice farmers use the lake to irrigate their fields. It is felt along with the usage by rice farmers and the El Niño weather, these contributed to the lake drying up. During that period, residents could have actually walked on the lake bed.