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Guyanese, we have endured many challenges and continue to persevere. Over the last year we have worked hard to ensure we provide service to our citizens.
The COVID 19 pandemic continues to affect us. It has impacted businesses and families. I am disappointed that there is still carelessness in the use of masks and ensuring that we practice social distancing. I encourage you to wear your masks and get vaccinated. Our country is going through massive development, and we need all our citizens to fully participate in the growing economy.
I salute our healthcare and frontline workers who continue their selfless service despite the challenges.
International Relations
We continue to build relationships with our international partners and friends to advance collaborations to enhance the City.
I am also pleased with the contribution of our international partners at the European Union in their efforts to return the iconic City Hall building to its former glory. Guyanese can once again be proud of this historical landmark.
Drainage and Irrigation
Our Capital City is on the frontline of the climate crisis. Georgetown is below sea level and our drainage system is old and vulnerable. We fight with nature daily as we protect our livelihood.
The Council appeals to all Guyanese to work with us to keep the city clean. I also make a special appeal to residents and businesses to get their approvals from the City Engineer’s department before construction to ensure buildings and structures are in compliance with the regulations and prevent damage to our drainage and sewage systems.
I will continue to work with the city administration to ensure the process for approvals are easier and to work with those that are not compliant to ensure that they are corrected in the shortest possible time.
I also continue to push for a collaborative approach with the central Government and the Municipality to address the maintenance of drains and interagency cooperation, unfortunately, hostile politics challenged us last year. It is my hope that the new year gives us the opportunity to settle rivalries and build bridges for the benefit of our citizens and the survival of our city.
Solid Waste Management
The Council will continue to provide the collection service that is largely operated by private contractors. I am aware that there are challenges in some areas with consistency which I intend to address very early in the new year. I will meet with the contractors to improve this critical service to residents and businesses.
I continue to be proud to serve you and look forward to a fruitful year together. Happy New Year to all Guyanese.