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Dear Editor
I noted a very spirited letter in Kaieteur News,Nov 25, 2021, written by Neil Adams, criticising the Coalition Government of 2015-2020, while extolling the virtues of the PPP administration so far, as the paltry 7% increase over two years for Public Sector employees..
Through his propaganda competence, not a word of the $250,000 cash handed out to sugar workers, a mere political ploy.
Not a word from Neil Adams about the recent loan and juggling by the Government and the control of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by our erstwhile masters.
Mr. Adams, in his spirited letter failed to remind readers of the vast sums available to this Government which was not available to the previous administration.
This by itself makes the 7% ridiculous and a bit of an absurdity, when one considers that the Coalition gave a 10% increase when these vast sums were not available to the coffers of the Government.
The recent offer without consultation with the Trades Unions must be seen in this context.
Further that the PPP had as part of its pre-election campaign promised to give an undertaking to give Public Servants a 50% increase.
Please note, it is not my wont to defend the Coalition, but to comment as I have above on the absurdity of the recent Neil Adams correspondence.
Hamilton Green