The North America Region (NAR) of the PNCR has called for equitable distribution of flood relief by the government.
In a statement the groupstateds that it notes that the government plans to approach the National Assembly for $10 Billion in supplementary funds for a national flood-relief effort.
“In the likelihood that these funds are granted we are calling on the government to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of help to all affected districts and people.
This is a national emergency and the widest cross-section of Guyanese have been affected. Just like the COVID-19 pandemic almost all societal groups have been impacted by the floods.
Lives are at stake and there is extensive damage to property and possessions.”
NAR said: “We would like to remind the government that the taxpayers of Guyana will be footing this $10 billion bill and we are calling on the stewards of this funding to put the measures in place to ensure that those in need get the desired help.
There must be no preference based on political support and other corrupt practices as we have heard was evident in the distribution of the COVID-19 support payments.”
NAR said the pictures coming out of Guyana tell a painful story “and we in North America have been moved and are providing some help through our different networks.
We believe that this relief effort presents a great opportunity for the president to demonstrate his true commitment to the “One Guyana” he espouses and ensure no one is left out and all those affected receive equal treatment.”