Dear Editor
Had the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic(PPP/C) understood the meaning moral decency, and personal propriety, the likes of Kwame McCoy would not have been named as a minister of government, much less as a Member of Parliament. Yet, it is difficult to accept the assumption that as a political party in existence for so many decades, inclusive of several stints in government – that it can claim ignorance of the quality of moral persons who are fit for such high office.
Having said that, one must be reminded that the PPP/C, whether in government/opposition has a revealingly sordid track record of flagrant disregard for respect of laws, moral norms, in so far as respect for citizens, particularly those who it regards as its political opponents/foes. So many of its victims are known, including those who would have been targeted by McKoy, that their names need not be repeated here. But back to the trust of this letter.
In fact, McCoy is a known, if not, major standard bearer of the PPP/C time- honoured cudgel behavior, and unfortunately, in a situation where his party and government’s present status as a legitimate constitutional body, desperately seeks to be recognized, his reaction mirrors the desperation which physical daily informs its installed person existence.
There are other persons, as well, though of a lesser physical volatility, but on the platform of verbally abusing their opposition opponents – And how quickly they have learned the detritus of the PPP/C culture of political behavior! What disgraceful examples they are, seeking to earn their political spurs as would – be young PPP/C politicians, but immersed in the cesspool of the kind of parliamentary behaviour which brings, or adds no value to democratic values.
Absolutely, given his well-known penchant for physical violence against those who are enemies of the PPP/C, HE OUGHT NOT TO HAVE BEEN ELECTED TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. But once again, the party, which he represents, has again underlined its predilection for trampling of time-honoured social decency, disrespect of the citizenry and its right to be respected, this time with this political malcontent alleged physical assault of a female MP.
Editor, McCoy has simply followed on from other brutal, reportoire examples of female abuse, known in his party, as carried out on the person of a former first lady; and a former minister threatening to strip and slap a well-known social activist.
Shawn James