… directed by President to also oversee design
In the near future, Guyanese citizens will begin seeing the signature of Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo on Guyanese currency as President Irfaan Ali has authorized that he oversee the design and issuance of notes and coins, including signature.
In a letter to the Governor of the Bank of Guyana, Gobind Ganga on February 25, 2021, the President stated: “I, hereby, with immediate effect, authorise Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice President, who has specific oversight responsibilities for finance to oversee the design (including signature) and issuance of notes and coins as required under Section 23(1) of the Bank of Guyana Act No. 19 of 1998.”
In countries governed like Guyana, each edition of the note carries the date of printing and the signature of the Governor and the Minister of Finance. However, the Office of the President (OTP) has been given oversight of Finance. Though Dr Ashni Singh was appointed Senior Minister with responsibilities for Finance, the OTP still retains its oversight role.
According to Section 23(1) of the Bank of Guyana Act No. 19 of 1998: “The denominations, inscriptions, form, material and other characteristics of the notes and coins shall be determined by the Bank with the approval of the Minister.” New currency has been issued in Guyana in years past as well as slight design changes to existing notes.