Dear Editor
Mr. Lennox Shuman no longer has any Liberty to do any Justice to his Party. His recent appointment as advisor on Civil Aviation is a clear conflict of interest with the mandate the Guyanese people gave him to be a legitimate third party force in parliament. How can he serve under the Jagdeo-Ali administration and at the same time hold it to account in parliament? We are literally asking Mr. Shuman to grade his own common entrance paper and I assure you jaws will drop when he arrives at the junction of Camp Street and Thomas Lands.
As for Mr. Ralph Ramkarran there is nothing new or united about him; he is only re-united with the PPP. I’m disappointed that this legal luminary and veteran politician has vacated his vision to create something new for the Guyanese people and has instead returned home to nest.
These supposed independent small parties now have political leaders with a direct fiduciary entanglement with the government. Both Mr. Ramkarran and Mr. Shuman will now be the beneficiaries of the “SUPER SALARIES” plus BENEFITS redirected from the likes of Mr. Ronald Austin Jr. and Henrico Woolford. How can they then sit in parliament, look the Guyanese people in the eyes and tell us that they will be fair and unbiased.
You’re telling me that Mr. Shuman won’t think of his new lifestyle of luxury when he votes? You’re telling me that Mr. Shuman won’t be thinking about how his family and his community will benefit from his position? If another vote of confidence comes to parliament, Shuman will most certainly be thinking about his pocket as he becomes the antithesis of Charrandass.
Speaker of the House: Mr. Shuman? How do you vote on this motion of confidence?
Mr. Shuman: YES!
Amna: Shuman! Wam to you budday? *plattax*
Inclusive government theoretically sounds plausible but if the PPP would like to pursue this route then Mr. Shuman MUST resign his seat in parliament and distance himself from the TNM-LJP-ANUG partnership. This is a matter of the separation of powers. We simply cannot have people who are part of the executive, being a part of the legislature’s opposition at the same time.
Yours Faithfully,
Othniel Lewis