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The main Opposition has called for Crime Chief, Wendall Blanhum to be removed from the investigation into the murder of Isaiah and Joel Henry at Berbice.
Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon said recent statements made by Blanhum regarding the investigation are political rather than investigative and helpful.
“We want impartial policemen who understand that the responsibility is to bring the perpetrators to justice, whoever they may be, and this has nothing to do with who is there and who is Indian and who is black and so on. This is one country and we have to live in unity but justice must be served on everybody. Justice must be served on these young men”, Harmon said.
The Opposition Leader has cast the blame of the brutal killings at the feet of the Peoples Progressive Party Civic Administration stating that it created an environment that empowers people to feel that they can injure and take lives.
“I lay it at their feet but even while we do that I’m calling on all of Guyana to recognise that this is a struggle not between the races, this is a struggle against oppression, it is a struggle against fraudulent government”, he said.
The Guyana Human Rights Association’s call for a forensic investigation into the killings has been welcomed by the Opposition Leader who also acknowledged the support of smaller political parties, religious organizations and the Diaspora.
Meanwhile, Harmon has issued a stern call for protestors who have been engaged in unlawful acts while calling for justice to desist from such activities.
“We stand in solidarity with the people who are peacefully protesting this injustice. What we do not agree with is people injuring people and so on. We do not agree with that. We do not agree that there should be any black and Indian fighting and all of that. We believe that this here is a fight for justice,” Harmon maintained.
Speaking at the home of one of the victims on Wednesday in the company of APNU+AFC Members of Parliament, Harmon said they saw it fit to demonstrate solidarity rather than participate in the presentation of the National Budget.
“We chose to come to spend this time with you rather than going into the parliament to address budget and all of that because we believe that it is important that we show solidarity with you and that the whole country understands that justice will have to be done, justice will have to be served for these two young men whose lives were snuffed out because of an environment which was created by the PPP”, Harmon said.
The Opposition has since committed to covering the funeral expenses of Iasiah and Joel Henry who were brutally murdered in Berbice at the weekend.