Dear Editor,
As the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) government presents its fifth and final budget of its executive term, Guyanese can expect to hear a well orchestrated electioneering ploy paid for with the tax dollars and resources owned by the people of this nation.
Guyanese will be glued to their various devices, patiently awaiting the pre-election goodies that will be tossed at them. It is something that we have all grown accustom to, budgets that continue to please the rich, with little to be desired by those needing governmental support the most.
Reflecting on the past four years of the PPP’s uninspiring, pro- rich budgets we note that no meaningful increases, considerations and benefits have not been afforded to particularly, the poor and vulnerable as well as those hardworking citizens who keep our country running despite the heartless treatment being meted out to them.
Guyanese you should expect the same from the PPP today. With the 2025 election around the corner, expect the one off payments, the miniscule increases that translates to very little for those who need it most. Expect the multi- million and multi- billion dollar infrastructural projects that political friends and family will eventually embark on, the mammoth sized health, security, education budget sums that leave citizens asking where the money went given the quality of service they end up receiving. Expect billions allocated to the Guyana Power and Light for hours of blackout, the Guyana Water Inc. for rust laced water that cannot be consumed, but is sure to stain your sink and wares.
Expect the unilateral increases forced on workers whose unions are sidelined and ignored as this very government continue to divide and sideline workers’ representatives.
As leader and General Secretary of the United Workers Party (UWP), I wish to warn all Guyanese that today is yet another pre-election, vote garnering budget. Do not be deceived by the PPP and their handouts. By all means, accept what is given, it belongs to the people of this country in the first place, but continues to be hogged by an out-of touch elitist few.
Guyanese, government goodies at election time is not good governance. Citizens must use this vote buying, damage control budget to their advantage, but not lose sight of the past, to not forget what has been endured. A mediocre lifestyle is what the PPP has provided the average Guyanese term after term, only to see the party, it’s members and close ones become filthy rice despite entering politics with the one suit they owned at the time.
Every claim of glory and success by the PPP and the Irfaan Ali administration over the past years, have been overshadowed by allegations of government sponsored corruption and other grave illegalities.
Top party officials who have held the presidency or key offices in this country continue to be accused of corruption, sexually oriented crimes, abuse and scandals with mind blowing evidence, only to see no sanctions disciplining and no justice for those affected.
These are the things that citizens must remember when accepting the PPP budget, that it’s a political gimmick, a budget for votes and not the welfare of the people.
Even with loads of cash, far greater than what this country has ever accessed, Guyanese’s standard of living has deteriorated, especially since many have not recovered from the economic strain of Covid, and the government has done nothing concrete to ease the burden. Unlimited access to millions of US dollars from a oil producing nation and the Irfaan Ali PPP administration can only speak of the number of match box houses they’ve built, inferior roads, contracts that the average citizen will never be empowered to receive and big businesses that are secretly owned by friends, family and associates.
Guyanese the real question to ask today is that of all these budgets where are the meaningful, inspiring success stories of the ordinary Guyanese.
Yours truly,
Lorenzo Joseph
Executive Member
United Workers Party (UWP)