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Dear Editor,
Tears of anger and pain flowed when I read what can be best described as a kin to forms of criminality or gross incompetence, when I read today’s Wednesday, 8th of January, 2025 Editorial in the Stabroek News titled “CASH questions.”
It was an analysis of monies spent on the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall on Homestretch Avenue. Tears of pain because when the facility, Cliff Anderson Sports Hall was built at a modest cost (no kickbacks, etc) the effort was spearheaded by one of our superb enduring patriots, the late Ken DeAbreu. The Minister responsible for Sports and Culture was Shirley Field-Ridley. Discussions took place whether to name the facility after either of the above-named persons.
In my presence, they both agreed to name it after Cliff Anderson, for reasons articulated in the SN Editorial, 8th January, 2025. When the initial Sports Hall was constructed, account was taken of the north-east trade winds and the ventilation was designed accordingly. Many events took place, and no one has ever complained of discomfort and why the need for expensive air-conditioned units is another example of our silly steps of stupidity, as we engage in this wasteful, woeful spending spree.
The personnel who worked in this purported renovation and the quality of the toilet and sanitary facilities are of course another matter. In any other society, the Head of the Ministry of Youth, Culture & Sport and his lieutenants would have been brought before some tribunal to explain this woeful waste, well documented in S.N Editorial, 8th January 2025.
My question to the Editor and to citizens, is when will the people say ‘enough is enough?’ Remember the old adage ‘willful waste brings woeful want.’ Guyanese, in particular our young people, rise from your slumber before it is too late. Congrats to the author of that Editorial for the quality of research and erudition.
Yours truly,
Hamilton Green