Dear Editor,
As we greet the New Year, we as part of the human species must look forward to betterment for 2025. Our Guyana is in a fortunate position with the discovery of oil, gas and the reality of large deposits of gold indicating that Eldorado is no longer a myth but can be a reality where this generation and succeeding generations can enjoy the abundance of wealth not available to previous generations.
For the new year, I plead and wish that all of our political leaders would not let us down. President Irfaan Ali and his fellow leaders have my best wishes. My best wishes are also extended to the Leader of the official Opposition, Aubrey Norton for a glorious and good New Year.
Our helmsman, President Ali must take the noble step and summon those Leaders who in Parliament and elsewhere represent the substantial portion of our population. Guyanese and their Leaders must look around the world, Europe, Asia, the Pacific, the Americas and note how fortunate and how blessed we are and not to take things for granted.
Listening to the rhetoric from both major metropoles, Freedom House and Congress Place, it is abundantly clear that our Leaders need to undergo an attitudinal metamorphosis to make a reality of the dreams, hopes and aspirations of our noble ancestors.
We, the people. young and old must do all things necessary to make optimum use of our magnificent resources given to us by a generous Creator. Only this change of attitude can take us to great heights.
My mother who lived for several years in the US, taught us the Battle Hymn of the Republic made popular in the midst of the American Civil War by those who opposed the institution of slavery and I share the chorus ….”. Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Glory, Glory Hallelujah, His truth is marching on”…….
Let the truth of our past and present remind ourselves of the sentiments expressed in the third stanza of our National Anthem –” Great Land of Guyana, diverse though our strains, We are born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains, And ours is the glory their eyes did not see One land of six peoples, united and free,”
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to the President, the Leader of the Opposition, the Editor and all the people of Guyana.
Yours truly,
Hamilton Green