We the world over, these 83000sq miles included, have had our fair share of the corrupt con artist schemes. For such schemes, predating the Egyptian pyramids, are epitomised by the murderous Charles Ponzi, who in the 19th century had the Ponzi scheme eponymously named. Thereafter, we examine Bernard Madoff, birthed in the 20th century, to ruthlessly mastermind the world’s largest US$65B Ponzi scheme.
Now, the 21st century we recall, the age of the deadly pandemic, registering a cold-blooded con artist, confidence trickster and charlatan of our own. In fact, this cold-blooded con artist, Bharrat Roseann Jagdeo, who masquerades as a bona fide doctor, would make Charles Ponzi and Bernard Madoff look like naïve choirboys.
The fact is, as a registered dunce, Bharrat Jagdeo lacks the necessary aptitude to earn an academic doctorate. As a result, being academically challenged, means his only route to a doctorate was having one bestowed. And exactly that transpired, with an Indian bottom house university, after much canvassing, bestowed him with an honorary doctorate.
But the unwritten rule in honorary doctorate is, those bestowed with this degree must acknowledge that they haven’t earned it, therefore it shouldn’t be habitually used. However, the academically unprincipled Jagdeo, not known to have registered for medical or PhD studies, refused to abide by such a rule, as he scandalously demands that every man, woman, and child refer to him as Dr. Jagdeo.
Nevertheless, having gained the notorious reputation as one who masquerades as a bona fide doctor, Bharrat Jagdeo, chameleon personified, is to reinvent himself as a world-class economist. But it’s the very Jagdeo, as this supposed world-class economist, who singlehandedly failed the Skeldon Sugar Estate Project. And it’s the very Jagdeo, as this supposed world-class economist, who single handedly failed the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project.
Moreover, it’s the very Jagdeo, as this supposed world-class economist, who single handedly failed the Fibre-Optic Cable Project. Further, it’s the very Jagdeo, as this supposed world-class economist, who single handedly failed the Specialty Hospital Project. Additionally, and most shockingly, it’s the very Jagdeo, as this supposed world-class economist, who failed the Berbice Bridge Project. In fact, these multitudinous failures, irreversibly damaging to our economy, are a direct consequence of Bharrat Jagdeo masquerading as what he isn’t: Dr. Jagdeo.
Now, having established himself as a world-class con artist, Bharrat Jagdeo aspired to be much more: The incomparable crème de la crème. To that end, an Oil and Gas persona he evolved, convincing the PPP cretins, he is the most qualified to head our burgeoning Oil & Gas sector.
However, it’s the doing of this con artist, that there is irreversible resistance to having the most lopsided ExxonMobil contract, reviewed and renegotiated. For this contract of which we are burdened, and will forever be burdened if this con artist has his way, has us losing millions of dollars daily.
In fact, consequence of this highway robbery, Justice Kissoon ordered ExxonMobil to secure unlimited insurance coverage, to safeguard us against the devastating consequences of an oil spill. But Bharrat Jagdeo the con artist, charlatan and confidence trickster, appealed the very order, which would’ve safeguarded us from the environmental and economic impact of an oil catastrophe.
Therefore, this is the painful reality confronting us; Bharrat Jagdeo masquerades as a bona fide doctor. Masquerades as an Oil & Gas Consultant. Masquerades as an economist. Thus, the question is unambiguously answered; Bharrat Jagdeo is a treacherous con artist, who cannot be trusted to run a cake shop, much less a burgeoning oil economy. As a result, come 2025, the year of our most consequential election, we shall place this treacherous con artist where he belongs: JAIL.