As we enter this Christmas season, while Christians may reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the nation at large takes time out to celebrate the season, we also take time to reflect on the year coming to an end, and plan for the New Year that is about to unfold.
The Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union (GPSCCU) wishes its members and the Guyanese society a Merry Christmas and expresses heartfelt thanks to all our members without whom our success would not have been possible.
This Credit Union takes its mandate seriously and is happy to have been of service to you during this past year. We are intertwined from our various cultures which serve to enrich our national fabric and reinforce the essence of our motto- “One People One Nation One Destiny.” It is with this in mind that the GPSCCU proudly serves each and every member, bringing to you vital support and access to financial resources that help to satisfy your needs, goals and aspirations.
It is our view that the principles of peace, justice and tranquility are fundamental tenets that Christians and non-Christians alike can embrace and find common ground. There is opportunity further to forging national unity and improved conditions for all.
GPSCCU takes this opportunity to implore our members, and the wider community to join forces in working towards building a stronger union and infusing strength and resilience in our day to day lives.
Happy Christmas and a bright and prosperous 2025
From the Members and Staff of the Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union