And just when we thought we have seen it all, in this kleptocracy of ours, there comes PPP with yet another infrastructure shocker. For we have seen, to the tune of taxpayers’ billions, newly constructed asphalt roads, with minimum vehicular stressors, reduced to ginormous potholed pits.
Further, we have seen to the tune of taxpayers’ billions, newly constructed schools and hospitals, having their structural defects painfully exposed by the least of environmental stressors. Moreover, we have seen to the tune of taxpayers’ billions, infrastructure works of no oversight, facing inexplicable and inordinate delays. Now, having faced these shocking cases of PPP corrupt incompetence, the masses were excused in believing that they have seen it all.
However, seen it all they have not, as we the masses were once again awaken to yet another PPP shocker: The domino-like collapse of newly erected electric poles. In fact, even as we excruciatingly internalise these dreaded catastrophes, to us rational minds, they were wholly predictable, if not preventable.
For these tragedies, we have painfully borne witness to, are a direct consequence of PPP discriminatory policy of awarding contracts to incompetent friends, families, and favourites. And with this underhand awarding of contracts to incompetent cronies, means the projects undertaken are either slapdash or perpetually behind schedule.
Thus, considering the aforestated, the perennial question is; how drainage and road works, as GPL proffers, could have been responsible for the collapse of these electric poles? In fact, the very concrete poles were chosen, in preference to wooden poles, with the knowledge that they could have withstood the subsequent drainage and road works.
Therefore, it has to be concluded, the collapse of these poles wasn’t down to their structural integrity, rather it was as a direct result of weak foundations. However, assuming these facts were unknown, then structural studies undertaken, would’ve foreseen that drainage and road work could’ve impacted the foundation of said poles. But it would appear, from the public evidence before us, that no such studies were done before, or even after the erection of these electrical poles and subsequent drainage excavations.
Having said that, as articulated by Transparency International, infrastructure works as being capitalised on by PPP, are the established mechanisms for corruption in kleptocratic regimes. And it’s because of this PPP corruption, that electrical poles are constructed with weak underlying foundations, only to shockingly collapse, pun intended, on the masses after minimal of stressors.
Moreover, it’s a direct consequence of this PPP corruption, that roads are poorly constructed, being reduced to pothole pits, with minimal vehicular stressors. Furthermore, it’s a direct consequence of this PPP corruption, that recently built schools and hospitals are evidencing structural defects with minimal environmental stressors. Additionally, it is a direct consequence of this PPP corruption, that contracts without competent oversight are perennially and painfully behind schedule.
Now, having been caught with their pants down, exposing poles which were far from erect, PPP would unsurprisingly seek to lay blame. As a result, we would be bombarded until our ears bleed, with stories of contractors and engineers being cluelessly incompetent.
Further, we would be bombarded until our ears bleed, with narratives of inclement weather precipitating erosion, to ultimately weaken foundations. Moreover, we would be bombarded until our ears bleed, with anecdotes of parasitic wood ants eating away at the foundations, resulting in collapsing of the concrete poles. But having laid blame on the innocuous insects, drainage, inclement weather, contractors, engineers and road works, no blame would be attributed to the culpable party: The PPP incompetent kleptocratic regime.