It was some 8yrs and counting, when the esteemed Economist Prof. Clive Thomas first articulated in the Buxton Proposal, the case for direct cash transfer. Where in this proposal, Prof. Thomas proffered an annual US$5000 direct transfer, to every resident household. However, even before the proverbial ink dried on the proposal, PPP the party of dullards, condemned it with immediacy, as not being economically prudent. And having condemned the proposal, PPP without forethought argued, cash grants afforded to the masses will be misused in drinks and drugs.
Now, having painted the proposal in the worst possible light, PPP epitomising the party of no original ideas, are to out of political expediency, claim the cash grant policy as their own. In fact, having plagiarised the esteemed professor’s proposal, the puppet masquerading as President, informed the masses that the kleptomaniacs will afford them some US$1000 per household. But demonstrating gross incompetence, PPP lacking the intellectual wherewithal to deliver on even the most basic of projects, failed to establish in our context, the definition of a household. As a result, being incapable of defining what constitutes a household, PPP of pilferred ideas, was forced to review their original US$1000 proposal.
So, with the proposal of monies per household proving impractical, PPP through their puppeteer, then proposed US$500 per resident adult. But soon recognising cash grant is amenable to electioneering, the puppeteer offered an addendum to include non-resident adults. And continuing their scheme of misusing cash grants as an electioneering tool, saw the puppeteer overruling the puppet to assert, cash grants, like the imminent elections, would be had in 2025. Then reaffirming their clueless as a jackass status, the puppeteer later announced, only public servants, pensioners, and other registered persons will be afforded cash grants in 2024.
But even as PPP stand unsurprisingly clueless on this cash grant project, evident it must be, this pantomime playing out before our very eyes represents a Freedom House power struggle. For this public overruling, undermining and altogether humiliating of the puppet by the puppeteer, points to the fact, they are both on an exercise of flexing their political muscles. In fact, the clumsy intervention of Ashni Singh, supports the argument, this fierce power struggle isn’t limited to the two aforementioned protagonists.
Having said that, many are in a state of unarousable bewilderment, that the usually garrulous Nandlall, hasn’t weighed in on the US$500 conundrum. As a matter of fact, it’s the opinion of this column, the habitually garrulous Nandlall is too consumed with Melly Mel’s bedroom secret exposé, that he hasn’t the time to offer his thoughts on these PPP cash grant calamities.
However, with the goalposts forever shifting as it pertains to these elusive cash grants, the question that needs to be asked is; is PPP just plain stupid, or rather cleverly calculating? For these shifty shiftings have had the masses once anticipating monies before Christmas, only to be disappointed by the puppeteer, as he engages the impotent puppet in public political hostilities. In fact, the docile puppet on announcing cash grants on October 10th, asserted with much confidence, monies will be in pockets even before the conclusion of his stuttered parliamentary speech. But the domineering puppeteer with other ideas, rushed out like an angered bull to contradict, reasserting that monies will be delivered in 2025, coinciding with the imminent elections.
And whilst they indulge in this political kerfuffle of theirs, we the masses with an immediate cash grant promise, have to face extended, if not uncertain waiting times. Thus, considering our tragic experiences, the conclusion is clear as day, the installed government is cleverly capitalising on these cash grants as an electioneering tool. In fact, even as we bear witness to their naked cash grant electioneering, that also on display is their gross incompetence at managing the most basic of project.