Let the word go forth, when the name Mark Lyte is mentioned in Guyana’s conversations, it will be in the context of a pantheon of extraordinary Guyanese. Citizens, from toilers in Guyana’s tallest towers all the way through to the bottom feeders in the local vineyards, will be struck with headshaking awe, breathless disbelief: how could he? Why did he? Let this be said, whatever he did, he did very well. From this day onwards, the disputes will be at fevered pitches, intolerable temperatures. They will be many, with one jumping off point only: did well for whom?
Among the contenders for that crown are, in no particular order, Guyana’s teachers, Guyana’s PPP Government, and the GTU’s participants that pushed through what was finalized in the dark of night. From the mists of memory, I snatch at the wisp of a recollection.
I remember how the nation’s Natural Resource Fund was signed and became the governing law over the people’s patrimony, the essence of Guyanese destiny. It was controversy then, with controversy still stirring now. Because Dr. Mark Lyte and company-those illustrious ones partaking at the signing ceremony-are newer and fresher, they will roam farther and linger longer in the consciousness of Guyanese. Teachers will have the longest, sharpest, grimmest memories: what price sacrifice?
Ten percent is as good as any, so why not get it over and done with and move along? It does have its selling point, its bow to timing, its recognition of how things work in this country. One of these days, I must batten down to the task and educate myself. It should inspire. About what makes men in Guyana’s special pantheon tick with such unerring precision. Though the seasons around it ebb and flow, are graced with their own harmonies, in the final analysis, it is about how men click their heels and fall flawlessly in line. How and why are issues beyond this space, this expanse and grade of mental prowess.
Now, using that 10 percent number as a virtue, Dr. Lyte may have put himself in the running for more than the continued presidency of the teachers’ union. He may have endeared himself to a wider constituency and made himself eligible for the national governance presidency. See what I mean by a pantheon that possesses its own matchless virtues?
Delving into the percentages, if I take that 10% and allocate it across the three years surrendered by teachers under a white flag of good intentions, I arrive at 3.3% for each of those lost years. President Ali and his PPP Government may celebrate that as the ultimate in fairness. It was a disagreement over similar fairness (Helen’s) that led to that long, bloody 10-year Trojan War. These things can be distressing, to put matters mildly. And when I broaden the net and include the next two years with their lavishness of 8% and 9% in 2025 and 2026 respectively, I say that the accumulated 27% represents a nice, juicy 4.5% when spread over the six years involved (three given up, three going forward).
I fully understand the president taking to his Facebook page in a jiffy to share his joy. I understand even more, identify still some more with the dismay, some may say disgust, of the teaching community at the shabbiness of it all. For some reason, my mind flashes back to 2018 and parliament in late December of that interesting year. There were and are all those political upheavals unleashed due to what developed in there. In short, even in Guyana’s sacred spaces, its sanctum sanctorum, there is such an absence of virtue.
It is worth repeating one more time. From the teachers’ point of view: what price sacrifice? Whether it is 3.3% or the more starry-eyed 4.5%, that is no price at all. From my own point of view: what a pantheon of illustrious Guyanese we have here, who always seem to have a bag from which to extract some magic rabbit. They eat rabbits in this country, I have been reliably informed. I am a vegetarian of convenience around certain people; not even a glass of water accepted. If not that, then what more could be offered an alien creature like me?
To give credit where such is due, the president (Dr. Irfaan not Dr. Mark) was so pleased with himself that he virtually gurgled in his excitement over a done deal that all the hallmarks of a shotgun wedding. Or a prearranged marriage; one solemnized by mutual consent, of course. Dr. President (Ali): an additional $7,000 (US$35) monthly for an advanced graduate diploma is nothing to write home about, cheer the children. It always comes down to that old saw that still has validity: take a set of numbers and General Motors and the United Auto Workers usually came up on different sides of a steel fence.
I sum this up. Dr. Lyte et al will have to work overtime to shed some light into their souls, and then when enough time has passed on their action(s). He did say that he plans on talking with his family and consider his future in the union movement and like matters. From one brother to another: do self a favor: talk to God first. I just learned that he is a member of that locally skimpy fraternity: he is a pastor.
I must find the time one day to acquaint myself with the Bible that these shepherds use as their touchstone, guiding star. Relative to the union movement in Guyana, it just took a savage body blow from which recovery is about as promising as the arrival of truth, justice, and fairness at Freedom House and State House. Best to Guyana’s teachers for fighting the good fight. Regrets that matters came down the turnpike as they did. Last, my best to all Guyanese. They will that more than me.