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Dear Editor,
The massive infusion of oil money in the economy is not filtering down to the poor, the bottom 45% of the population. The oil wealth is not improving the lives of the masses as much of it is pilfered through contract kickbacks by the highest government figures and other state functionaries. The level of corruption involving oil money injected into the economy is eating away the very fabric and foundation of the country. Something got to be done to put the brakes on corruption so that everyone benefits from oil funds.
Honest government bureaucrats and engineers are compelled to close their eyes to massive corruption as a show of loyalty to the corrupt cabal that is in charge of the state. The honest and decent staff of certain ministries must pretend all is well with contracting works or even join the corrupt cabal if they wish to remain in their jobs and enjoy perks of position. Some honest staff are forced to approve payment in certain ministries for work never done.
Related to above, some engineers are banned from inspecting areas, particularly on the Corentyne and other parts of Berbice where work was supposed to have been done and approved for payment. Huge amounts of payment were authorized for drainage and irrigation in Berbice but work was not inspected to determine whether they meet specification of contracts. These are no go zones for engineers who wish to do thorough inspection. Engineers willing to sign on to works ‘completed’ or close eyes to shoddy work or even for work not done are allowed to visit anywhere.
The oil funds that are injected into the budget and allocated to certain ministries find their way into the hands of corrupt officials and big contractors. The small contractors and the masses don’t benefit from the large amounts of money withdrawn from the oil fund. Shouldn’t the government consider freezing oil money that goes into the budget to stop fueling corruption?
Yours truly,
Nigel Pilgrim