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In this life I have met some serial criminals in custom-made suits and sleeker briefcases to match. There is reassuring, polished diction to complete the circle. But of all the people encountered, all the places lived, visited, worked, there has never been the equal of the PPP for corruption. Financial corruption is well known. The avalanche of PPP white-collar crimes that give the color a bad name, reduces its fresh brightness to the anemic discoloration of flesh sticking to a body that in an advanced state of decay.
Whether government or party, the PPP has mostly metastasized into a series of diseases of horrific proportions. Rancid is a beginning. Rotted and putrid draw close to the horror of a government and party and the many in both that would contaminate a mortuary. From not one weakness and disease, but several of them. The list of financial corruption keeps growing, each week, often a few of the days in them bringing new revelations of a group that is the epitome of a national, regional and, as some believe, a global monstrosity. Besides the rampant financial corruption involving ill-gotten money, the accumulation of assets, what is glaringly lacking in the ethical, there is also moral corruption. It is where anything goes in a country that has been transformed into more than a den of thieves. The fish doesn’t rot from the head. Almost the whole fish is now decomposed beyond tolerance.
Financial crimes of the PPP Government drain the treasury: oil money, loan money, tax money, even the little money of widows and orphans, the sickly and elderly. No segment is overlooked, spared the depredations of a political group gone wild. Overnight billionaires. Unexplained wealth. The snout and eyes only of the submerged croc; the crock of filth that is called transparency and accountability. Right beside the money hemorrhage, there is the moral corruption within swaths of government and party, the acute mental decline. A dark place monopolized by schizoids, paranoids, and many devoid of any trace of standards or values. Who will sell for a dirty million (or a cent)). It is that state where the PPP must have the first and last say, the only say. Any deceptive and dirty say the better; the dirtiest is the best.
I appreciate that governments thrive on the presence of sycophants and suckers, those whose noses are of a specific earthen color. Simply time and tide repeating their historic cycles. Though abhorred, this is expected, understood. But there can be little to zero explanation for a government, where some of its captains comfort themselves with a squad of deceivers. In other countries, many in the PPP could not get a passport, much less have such taken away from them.
I would welcome any education should anyone seek to justify the presence of so many morally impaired, psychologically disordered mindsets, in the PPP, be they in Freedom House or any of the other big houses of the State. There is recognition that from time immemorial, political parties and governments have deployed their hit squads to teach the objectionable and disagreeable how things are, should be. Like the Cosa Nostra, governments have their own truth and enlightenment serums. Neither is hesitant to administer. What is one life, or many? What is a record? What to do with undesirables if not to teach them the error of ways, even dispatch. When a government reaches that stage, it embraces the immoral.
The PPP has rightly invaded cyberspace but put it to the worst uses. Coverup corruption. Clobber perceived enemies. Crush the timid and tentative into cowering silence. There may not be the usual contract money involved but a contract signed off on to command and control that space with distortions, deceptions, defamations. This is a peek at the immoral compact that the PPP Government has with Guyanese. There is an old one that is now being given new life, and highlights the moral corruption deep inside the PPP, high also. Ghostwriters funded by the tax dollars of Guyanese are attacking Guyanese from inside the confines of State media. Nothing new, except that they use many names and operate from different locations, some local, some foreign.
Even the foreign born have been recruited to do the government’s dirty jobs, hatchet jobs. Men who make a big to-do about bribes do not apply the same criteria when they are bribed by government dollars (Guyanese dollars) to ensure that the PPP’s mantra reigns supreme. What is offering a bribe, grasping eagerly at a bribe, if not about moral corruption writ large in high and low places, with money as lavish inducement. Deceptions dishonor, and men and women still willingly (obediently) degrade themselves.
Ethical frauds, principles vanquished, morals mangled and maimed, and I am told that this is governance, this is democracy. It is the individual prosperity that comes from not only grabbing every last dollar of Guyanese money coming their way, but some also stoop to nuzzle at the trough of the foreign enslavers and exploiters. This is what Guyanese have come to, the death of any principles they had, how they will drink from any gutter, sewer, to defend the PPP way of life.
To repeat a question asked in America over three score years ago: is there no sense of decency left? In this country? In the PPP? In most of the people in that entity of state and politics? No sense of personal standard and honor? I think that those Guyanese who genuinely cherish decency, truth, fairness, justice, morals and ethics are the best jurors.