I am deeply concerned about the development of our country and the justice served for all. The recent allegation of a female political activist being verbal sexual abuse under threat of a gun brings to the awareness of society the reality of varied responses by victims and alleged victims of such violence.
Even someone as assertive as this activist is known to be, did not speak out publicly until challenged by her alleged accuser who holds a powerful position as leader of the one of the two major political parties and leader of the parliamentary opposition.
Instead of the alleged victim being recognised for her bravery in response to the challenge and encouraged to seek redress in a court of law, she was subjected to ridicule. She found herself being ridiculed by the very community divided in protecting her right to speak and the right of the accuser to due process, to be perceived as innocent until proven guilty. It is evident the accused side is more interested in bringing the alleged victim down rather than seeking justice on the issue.
As a people we are failing ourselves and society when we ignore due process and the rule of law. The victim’s case is not unique in these experiences, and it is time the legislative arm of government moves to enact statutes to protect the vulnerable.
Instead of only going to Parliament to attack each other and discuss the budget, bills must be brought before the House for discussions that could lead to reinforcing laws and good governance in Guyana.
Our lawmakers’ inactions are failing alleged victims and victims. Our lawmakers are not contributing adequately to develop the executive arm of government beyond the Legislature being a talk shop and den for brawls.
The alleged violation is rooted in the lack of respect for women and the vulnerable in society. Sexual abuse is well documented as an ancient crime not necessarily considered so at the time but seen as acceptable.
In the 21st century people must be mindful of every aspect of their behaviour, including their communication. In this technologically driven age, there is enough evidence of the rising intolerance and consequences for violations. We must do better.
To those who are delayed in coming to grips with the changing time and value I urge you to seek learning. The Government (Executive and Legislative) must introduce education that could help us to protect our male and female, from this generational perceived form of abuse.
I call on the churches, organisations and social groups to demand that the legislative arm of government is responsive to the evolving legal needs in society.
I congratulate former minister Simona Broomes, known for her human rights activities. She has stepped out as a beacon of light to guide her party and nation on the rights of the alleged victim as well as the alleged abuser even within the context of the need to protect and advance the party’s interest. Red Thread continues not to fail this nation on matters of this nature.
I recognise the elders of the party coming forward which is a welcome gesture. At this time, it must be recognised that their promise of investigation and actions, based on evidence, is a mere exercise in hope if not futility. Their role would only be to recommend with no power to enact. The fact of the matter is what they wish to achieve cannot be accomplished in absence of any mechanism to hold anyone accountable.
As a trade unionist I am aware that if there is going to be an investigation of a person that person cannot be exhorting influence and power over any aspect of the process. In the instance where the person is the party leader, he is in a position to exhort influence over the process. This is a universal principle applicable to all organizations and speaks to best practice.
I am not unaware how toxic and polarising this issue is, but we must get through it as a people. In an offered comment on this matter on my Facebook page about the alleged victim coming forward, offering no opinion about innocence or guilt, I have been attacked viciously and many others have suffered similar fate. It is unfortunate that some of those who carry these attacks are mere tools with little or no knowledge or professional understanding on these issues and may benefit from education. Newspapers and media are being attacked for even carrying the story.
However, they are many who better was expected but nevertheless failed the community, people they love and even those they were seeking to protect, by attempting to violate the laws and rules held sacred for the protection of human rights.
After the trauma involving the sexual abuse cases of a former minister, and though the current allegation surrounding the current party leader is of a different magnitude, every man, woman and child must be able to come together in one accord on issues of human rights to ensure the protection of all. The current instance also highlighted some of the persons who called for justice for the alleged victim in the former minister’s case are vilifying the alleged victim where it involved the Party leader. These double standards pose retardation to society. Hence, my concern regarding the development and functioning of the legislative arm of government.