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Today, 6th August is the 38th death anniversary of Mr. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, O., S.C.
The ideas and works of great men never die, though their souls may depart this earthly plain. So, it is with Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, O.E, S.C, the man who was the Chairman of the original People’s Progressive Party (PPP), the Founder Leader of the People’s National Congress (PNC); the man who became the first prime minister of independent Guyana, the first president with executive responsibility of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana; the man who holds the title as ‘The Caribbean Man of the 20st Century;’ a man who was widely admired by friends and foes alike. For try as many had sought to do, they cannot erase, or to date match, the achievements and vision of the man fondly referred to as ‘Odo.’
Forbes Burnham was unmatched in eloquence and was known for his oratory skills. He was a shrewd debater and politician, a nimble lawyer, a renowned chess player, a people’s person, a loyal friend, and a man of the people. What was unique about Burnham-as many people are not blessed with this quality-is the ability to mix comfortably with the kings and queens, and yet fill the hearts of the ordinary citizens, who felt comfortable in his presence.
He strongly believed and dedicated his work to Caribbean unification. For Burnham, he saw the survival of small Caribbean states within a context of Caribbean unification and interaction of this unified body in the global space. In this way, Burnham differed from other thinkers for whom CARICOM unity was a threat to specific interest.
In the 21st Century, while Guyana is an oil rich country, ranked among the fastest growing economies in the world, with the potential to becoming a player in the international scene, it does not change the fact that Guyana’s best interest comes from a deep, united and regional relationship. It is not that other global influences and interests are not important, but those within the immediate sphere offer one safety and security of borders and other national interest.
In this and many ways, the vision of the man, to whom independent and republic status were granted, remains unparalleled to forging national unity, evident in all the symbols of nationalism. A few are: -the Coat of Arms, which incorporated all the regions, the people, acknowledgment to our First People, and the national motto, “One People One Nation One Destiny,” the foundational aspiration of Guyana; the name of the national flag, among others.
Burnham had a vision of building a nation of equality, a vision still relevant and worthy. As a people coming out from chattel slavery, indentureship and colonisation, after gaining political freedom he sought to pursue economic freedom, where our natural resources would be used mainly for our national benefit.
After gaining political freedom, through independence, Burnham sought to disentangle what he recognised as economic control over our natural resources and wealth by a system operating through multinational corporations. This led to his vision of nationalisation that resulted in an internal and external backlash that placed the country at odds with international interests, further capitalised by those internally viewing the political opportunities that became available. We must learn from these experiences of the past.
And such are the challenges of young nations. Notwithstanding these, Burnham left us a nation of laws, formulated to suit our nation-building needs, and like in other countries, a foundation for others to build on and give more meaning to. Burnham left us with a strong sense of Guyanese pride, respect for and celebration of our diversity. To a country of colonial Christian influence, he added our Hindu and Muslim religious days for national celebration.
Note, for those who fail to recognise this, whereas Guyanese of African descent were predominantly Christians and celebrated holidays associated with Christianity, there was no African celebratory event, but he repealed the Obeah Ordinance and added symbols of African-ness such as the 1763 Monument, and renamed streets in honour of local heroes.
He gave us an education system that catered to various ability and interest and needs of society, which included multilateral, community high and technical schools, among others, which were free from nursery to university; and National Service that not only enhanced border security but taught us how to be productive and build cohesive relationships from diverse backgrounds.
Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham O.E, S.C may be dead. His works live on and we, the Guyanese and Caribbean people, are the heirs of his legacy. Thus, it is not surprising, over the years, to see many of his dreams being emulated and materialising through the efforts of others.
As a proud member of the PNCR, I urge those of you who are not familiar with Burnham, to spend time to know the man, build upon and protect the legacy that is yours. For ours is still a destiny to mould- One People One Nation One Destiny.