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Democracy etymology is from two Greek words, demos and kratos, which respectively translate to people and rule. Where in the most elementary interpretation, speaks to a Government elected by the people. A Government, so elected with three coequal and independent branches;
Donald Trump.
That said, history is replete with leaders, Donald Trump et al, who extol democracy, yet purposely, for political rationale, misemploy the construct. For he, as a former President, stood tall as a very influential man. Where being influential, he abused his position, breaking laws with impunity. Such that, he paid Stormy Daniels hush money, and consequentially now faces 37 State charges. Where also, he sexually assaulted Jean Carroll, with a federal jury, consequentially finding him US$5 million liable. And now burdened he is with 37 federal charges, with more likely, having criminally mishandled US secrets.
Having said that, America stands as a beacon of democracy, where the three branches of Government are co-equal and independent. As a result, despite Trump being a former President, he stood powerless to the unimpeded functioning of America’s democratic machinery.
Boris Johnson.
Then there is Boris Johnson, where guided by his antecedents, many are of the conclusion, in him we have a pathological liar. A liar fired from all his previous jobs, for lying. A liar who withdrew Britain from the EU, with his characteristic flamboyant lies.Thus a Prime Minister, a pathological liar.
Where in this context, Covid we revisit, for Covid we endured. Whence the Covid spoken of is synonymous with lockdowns. For lockdowns were dispiriting and restrictive, denying many that right of being with their dying loved ones. However, such restrictions weren’t applicable to Johnson and his cabal, for they partied, whilst the Nation was in severe Covid distress.
However, like Trump, Johnson lives in a democracy. And living in a democracy meant, despite him being Prime Minister, he wasn’t precluded from Civil Servant, Sue Gray’s investigation. Furthermore, living in a democracy meant Sue Gray wasn’t fearful of political recriminations. And not being fearful of recrimination meant the report was factually damning, forcing Johnson’s resignation as PM.
But that wasn’t the end of Boris Johnson’s Partygate saga, as he faced further allegations of misleading Parliament. Which saw the Privilege Committee, of a Conservative majority, adjudicating.
However, with Boris Johnson himself Conservative, many argued his colleagues, would’ve saved his political bacon. But that wasn’t to be, as they unanimously voted against party-line, to hand him a 90 days parliamentary suspension. And facing such a hefty suspension, he was forced to resign as an MP.
Thus the message, Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and Leader of the Executive couldn’t have interfered with the functioning of the Executive. All he could’ve done, like Trump, is observe the democratic machinery at work. For this epitomises two democracies, where the Executive, Legislature and Judicial, are coequal and independent.
Nigel Dharamlall
The allegations are damning. Grooming, rape and sodomy of a minor, facilitated through abuse of office. However, even as his alleged abuse of office is
concerning, the actions of the State thereafter, are beyond staggering. For the complainant they isolated to harass, denying contact with the outside world. Further, she was denied legal counsel of her choice, which ultimately precipitated the withdrawal of her allegations. Thus, the totality of what transpired, evidence of an Executive interfering, unlike the cases of Johnson and Trump, with the work of the Judiciary(DPP).
Mark’s Take
Therefore, in this context we query, are we really a democracy? For this question is made germane in the context of Irfaan Ali’s 19 criminal charges having been dropped by the DPP, without reason. Ashni Singh’s charges dropped by the DPP, without reason. Brassington’s charges dropped by the DPP, without reason. Allister Charlie’s charges dropped by the DPP, without reason. Nandlall’s charges dropped by the DPP, without reason. All realised by the Executive undemocratically interfering in the Judiciary.
Nonetheless, having illuminated the aforementioned undemocratic acts, one cannot ignore the tragedy that’s tormenting the conscience of the Nation. For what Dharamlall is alleged to have done, should’ve been adjudicated by the courts. However, a democracy we aren’t, which means such an eventuality, court trial, the State stymied, to deny.
Thus, the comparison, Guyana’s stark contrast with Britain and America democracies. Where Donald Trump is being held to account. Where Boris Johnson was held to account. But of PPP democracy, Dharamlall et al, are above the law, for the Executive directs the Judiciary. For the Executive is brutally sodomising our democracy.