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Citizens are urged to vote in the Local Government Elections on Monday 12th June. This call is made against the backdrop that voting should not be because the politician asks for the vote but because the right to vote and elect persons of one’s choice is a fundamental right prescribed by the United Nations Human Rights Declaration and enshrined in the Constitution of Guyana.
The initiators of our fight for one man one vote (universal adult suffrage) are the workers of Guyana. When Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, the Father of Trade Unionism in the British Empire and National Hero, began the struggle in 1926 for universal adult suffrage it was aimed to bring about internal self-government, which began in 1953 and led to republican status in 1970.
The right to vote was fought for. Many died in pursuit of same, and many are still struggling around the world to achieve same. As Guyanese we must guard and defend this right zealously.
Voting is one way of bringing about changes in our lives and determining our own destiny. We have come a far way, but the struggle is far from over in creating a society where all are treated with respect and dignity and their human rights upheld.
Internal self-government is not only about voting and determining one’s representatives but the day-to-day management of the state that would see the participation and involvement of all, the distribution of the nation’s resources in an equitable and equal manner that would benefit all, and the upholding of a system where the rule of law subjects all to accountability. These are the tenets progressive trade unions hold sacred and will continue to fight for.
I ask you, do not vote because someone offers you money. That is akin to making deals with the devil. Taking money for your vote is likened to selling your brothers and sisters to those who traded in slaves. In this instance, you are also selling yourself. Taking money to give your vote is like being fooled with beads and trinkets by those whose only aim is to conquer and subjugate your entire group, local authority or town to rule supreme over you. When you sell your vote, they use you in the same way as Judas was used …as a betrayer for 30 pieces of silver.
Voting gives you an opportunity to elect who are your leaders; empowers you through your elected leaders to determine how the affairs of government- local, regional and central- will be managed. Elect leaders who could advance and protect your interest within your communities.
Local government is the first tier in our government system which can help to distribute power to others and away from central government, thus placing a limit on central government’s influence and control.
Given the pervasive discrimination against citizens by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) regime we need a cadre of men and women at the local government level who will stand up and represent the people’s interest and push back against the regime’s excesses.
Your vote is the power exercise over all governments, at every level, and keeps the politicians in check.
Come Monday, June 12th vote wisely!