It has become abundantly clear to thinking Guyanese citizens that the PPP government has decided that an appropriate response to the credible accusations of racism against African people is to launch a charm offensive by showing up in African villages for photo opportunities with Black people. The fact that they are accepted and treated with respect in African communities is more a reflection of the magnanimous nature of African Guyanese citizens, who always seem to place a cultural priority on being welcoming and friendly to visitors, even to their own historical detriment.
Similarly, the diplomatic community seems to go to great lengths to ensure that their events are well populated with African Guyanese citizens. Guyanese in general are always grateful it seems to be seen hobnobbing with members of the diplomatic corp which of course allows the corp to fulfill its mandate of, at least appearing to be fair and balanced. Except for the recent statements about inclusion and corruption by US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah Ann Lynch, the diplomats have been collectively silent on the racism, corruption and massive transfer of wealth to Indo-Guyanese friends of the PPP government.
African Guyanese citizens are all fending for themselves, battling retrenchment, fear of reprisal and increasing cost of living on disrespectfully low wages. The lack of unity and a strategy for dealing with PPP oppression has created a massive void which, without immediate intervention; further weakens any prospects for African liberation in 21st century Guyana. The caldron of frustrations are building and bubbling and meaningless platitudes, photo ops and ceremonial invites won’t ultimately be sufficient as it becomes abundantly clear that as Africans suffer, PPP cronies are in the ‘counting house, counting out their money’–illicit proceeds of massive corruption, nepotism, kickbacks and exploitation of workers.
All stakeholders should take heed–African leaders must unite and agree on a plan for the liberation of African people and the growth and development of African villages, the PPP leadership must understand that Guyana belongs to all Guyanese and that it was African blood, sweat and tears that built the infrastructure of this nation for 200 years before the first East Indian arrived here. The Diplomatic corp must come to terms with the notion that the best way to protect their country’s investments is to insist that the government of Guyana adhere to the Guyana constitution, to respect democratic norms and to end racism and corruption. African Guyanese citizens in villages across Guyana must respect the sacrifices of their ancestors and understand their own responsibilities to handing over a just and fair Guyana to their children and grandchildren.
Guyana belongs to all Guyanese–PPP oppression of Black people must end immediately!