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The Guyana Press Association condemns all acts of intimidation and attacks on media workers. On Monday, it was reported that two production videographers attached to the state-owned National Communications Network were intimidated by a named sitting APNU/AFC Member of Parliament and persons who were attending the APNU Public Meeting held on Sunday 6th November, 2022 in the East Bank Village of Mocha.
Reports from the two videographers are that they were confronted by several persons when they turned up to provide coverage to the public meeting. They said too were denied access to sound by persons operating the sound system and were verbally abused by the MP and several persons at the public meeting on several occasions. At several times the videographers sought the intervention of the Guyana Police Force while at the venue.
The Guyana Press Association condemns this most reprehensible act of harassment and intimidation of media workers. We urge the Leader of the Opposition Mr Aubrey Norton to first and foremost set the tone of relations with the media by being forthcoming with proper and detailed answers rather than being abrasive and evasive when asked for details and supporting evidence.
The Guyana Press Association reiterates that media workers are to be respected by all and call on politicians as well as other members of the public to respect the need for media workers to operate in an environment free of intimidation.
As we approach another election cycle, the GPA expects that the media would be allowed to operate without intimidation, resentment and free from abuse, especially from those who hold political offices.
Gone should be the era when a TV news camera is snatched and taken to Congress Place, media workers are labeled vultures or identified in an unflattering manner by political figures at public meetings.
-7th November 2022-