The Alliance for Change (AFC) has issued a damning critique of the treatment of women by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government. Mrs. Cathy Hughes, the party’s chairperson, and Member of Parliament (MP) drew on the cliché to make the point. “It has been said, you know a country based on how it treats its women, children and the elderly.” Guyana today shows us how far down the drain we have moved as a people when it comes to how we treat our women, she made known.
Speaking at the party’s recent press conference Hughes referenced the PPP government talking ad nauseum about the high incident of domestic violence plaguing the country but fails to recognise the biggest culprits are occupying the highest positions within the administration. The MP evidenced the current Charrandass Persaud debacle as testimony.
Last week Persaud was recalled as High Commissioner to India, as demanded by the public, when information became public, based on the tape, that he verbally assaulted Ms. Sonya Ghosh, academic and activism, in the vilest of manner, outside his official residence in India.
The AFC recalled the haste with which some persons have tried to whitewash the incident by eagerly welcoming a statement on the issue by President Ali that Persaud has agreed with him that he should return home. This, however, the party said appeared to be a slap on the wrist and not an executive order for the recall of Persaud to face an investigation, nor an indication his conduct has rendered him unsuitable to hold public office.
According to the president, Persaud told him the recording was doctored, and there was no evidence of any misconduct on his part. That denial, Hughes said, runs in the face of the video recording showing Persaud hurling profane sexual and vulgar abuse at the renowned Indian professor and animal rights activist in Delhi, India during August 2021. “By the minimum standard of any decent man the behaviour is unacceptable.”
The AFC said they find it strange President Ali has been kept in the dark for well over a year about an ugly scandal involving a diplomatic envoy who has been appointed under his own hand. It is unacceptable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd, did not find the incident serious enough to be brought to the attention of the President or Cabinet charged Hughes, as he pointed out this is clear dereliction of duty the minister ruled the matter closed.
The Ministry in a statement dated October 25, i.e., the date the video of Persaud’s vile behaviour was made public, stated the matter was “brought to the attention of the Ministry of External Affairs of India by High Commissioner Persaud, was fully investigated by the relevant authorities and a formal response to the High Commissioner dated September 3, 2022 indicates that ‘allegation of sexual abusive words to complainant has [sic] not been substantiated.’”
But the AFC refused to accept the explanation, demanding further investigation, along with an apology to Ghosh.
The PPP has a history of cuddling lawless and abusive men the AFC pointed out and cited:.
- Allegation then Minister Bheri Ramsarran threatened to slap a rights activist.
- Allegation of Local Government Minister Kellawan Lall, in 2007, gun whipped of a citizen.
iii. Allegation of then President Bharrat Jagdeo not treating then first lady Varshnie Singh with respect and giving her what was legally due to her, the spectacle of locking her out of State House, and the other horrific treatment meted out to her for all Guyana and the world to see.
- Infamous audio recording of a conversation with a voice alleged to be Attorney General Anil Nandlall soliciting sexual services on behalf of his uncle as if he were a common pimp.
- Recent press report PPP councillor from RDC Region 4, Deoraj Nauth, was arrested and charged for allegedly sexually molesting a 14-year-old male student at Hope Secondary school.
- PPP/C activist, Ossie Rodgers, who slapped and gun butted Kamala Bharrat of Bath settlement in a supermarket. The incident was caught on camera and reportedly Rogers fled the country despite an active investigation.
vii. Minister of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall’s most despicable attack on female Members of Parliament when he hurled his infamous “dildo,” and attacked a female member in the opposition.
Hughes drew attention to a motion she submitted to Parliament on February 22, and acknowledged on February 24, to take the minister to the Privileges Committee, and made known the motion was “ducked by the parliament.”
When Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira, boasts of improvements in gender parity ratings, said the chairperson, it is clear the PPP, which she represents, has a torrid record of abusing women.
And in acknowledging the launch of President Ali’s 1000-man initiative, Hughes said while the concept is laudable, the AFC calls on the president to start with those in his inner circle and drain his swamp