The Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) has introduced its Breeze Pass service for motorists traversing the bridge during peak periods, with effect from October 21, 2022.
Peak periods are from 16:00 hours (4 pm) to 20:00 hours (8 pm), when there is traffic congestion.
Commuters with the Breeze Pass will traverse through lane One and will not be required to stop and pay the toll. This will eliminate the waiting time motorists had to endure when they want to travel across the bridge
Supervisor of the service at the DHB Stacy Grant said, “They can just transit smoothly. They don’t have to stop and wait a little time. Within seconds, they can be transiting the bridge.”
Persons can visit or the Demerara Harbour Bridge’s Facebook page to sign up for this service. “When you sign up, you have to put in your name, an email address, and you create a password. After you sign up, you have to go to your email to confirm your email and then you finish the registration process and you sign into your account,” the Supervisor explained.There are three payment options for persons to utilise, including topping up in your account via MMG, or paying cash or cheque at the accounts department at the Demerara Harbour Bridge.
“After working hours you can top up at the supervisor’s office, any day, weekends, holidays, so if you run out of credit, that won’t be a problem…. as commuters come on board, we can extend more lanes, so we encouraging all commuters to get on board with our Breeze Pass.”