Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak!
APNU and the PNCR extend Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and sisters of this great land and worldwide.
In this most hallowed month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims worldwide fast from dawn to sunset. Staying away not only from food and drink, but from actions and talks that are not necessary. These actions allow us to come out of this month as better humans not only to ourselves and our families, but also to the entire nation.
The attributes and characteristics developed over this period allow us to be more pleasing to Allah (SWT) and remind us of our duty to creation and Him. During this month, we pray that we will find the closest to Allah (SWT) that we seek, during fasting, prayers and acts of charity. In addition, we pray that we find forgiveness for our sins in this life as we prepare for the inevitable hereafter.
May Allah grant us all the Imaan and strength to reap the fullest reward of this month as we are not guaranteed that we will see another. We pray that during this month, our actions are accepted by Allah (SWT) and we strengthen our deen, Insha Allah.