Single digit was certainly my years, when unforeseen to us, that would’ve been the last Christmas with mom. For a Casio watch, and the accompanying excitement, was the gift that precipitated the inevitable inquiry-WHICH HAND? However, with the directive LEFT belated, meant the interrogative WHY, appeared exaggeratedly enthused. Then the predictable, the unending inquisition triggering exasperation and a frustrated retort-Because everyone wears it on their LEFT. But everyone never existed, I stood unique, thus on my right it was positioned- Forever
The nonconformist
Nonetheless, the decades delivered changes, but unchanged was my nonconformity, evident in 2018, with an invitation to join mates in a QC WhatsApp group. Which saw an expeditious acceptance, mirroring my membership, that was of a tragic brevity, counting another missed by the great Nostradamus. Then to justify, this most comical rationale was proffered- God’s Angel within hours, transitioned more toxic than a marine oil spill, forcing hands to force him out. But here’s the bone of contention, and my objection- The importation of carnival. Which meant, within hours of the alcohol fuelled gyrations, my WhatsApp read red- Carnival ends. Children’s hunger begins. For parents overextended themselves financially.
But having such a provocative nonconformist disposition, meant my comments, medical history and person were rendered fair game. As a result, a lawyer, the son of a former PPP House Speaker, was designated the pinch hitter. And a swashbuckling pinch hitter was he, aiming for the pavilions post haste, in characterising this gentle soul, a sensationalistic stupid speaker of nauseating nonsense. Then the cocky porn star manoeuvre- A Dill-scoop in querying, what data supports the garbage posted?
Thus, with that being unambiguously unsportsmanlike, patience was all mine, awaiting the umpires reprimand, or at a minimum, him to retract his statement. However, that wasn’t to be, rather deference was his, which meant a Chris Gayle bat, Brian Lara finesse and a square cut rebuke was mine, alerting the amnesiacs, that carnival was 24hrs past, hence data to inform a conclusion wouldn’t have been registered. But extrapolate we can, of similar celebratory events-Christmas, when many economically deprived, financially overextended themselves, which saw Courts repossessions coinciding with many children hungered. As a matter of fact, for Mashramani the observation is, likely to be reflected in carnival, the vast majority of celebrants are impoverished Blacks. However, this is experiential, the economic deprived presented with easy loans, would certainly accept without questions. Thus, it’s exploitive of impoverished Blacks, to provide them carnival loans for partying, rather than for investment and social mobility. But here’s the thing, brought up in a cocoon of privileges, such realities are foreign to the Prashad Nagar aristocrat and his ilks. Which meant, for these gentle lectures and lashes, the ire of the umpires was mine, with unsportsmanlike charges for this affable soul, even as he mourned the label of being deemed stupid.
Government interventions
Anyway, upon us was a quenching drinks break, which saw the partisan umpires rushing to inform, that with one run to win from 49 overs, the aristocratic bowler would wish to concede defeat. However, this descendant of beggars and thieves, wasn’t in the mood for concessions, at least not from him, thus instructed, the aristocratic bowler will deliver 49 spasm inducing overs, to which every ball, barring the last, will be greeted by a defensive bat.
For this was the pauper’s argument, President Granger should’ve vetoed the carnival, cognisant it would’ve exploited the poor, while further enrich the money thirsty aristocrats. But that argument, angered the QC aristocrats, who as lovers of money and not Mr. Granger, labelled me a dictator, among other derogatory names. As a result, reminded they were, my intellectual equal they aren’t, for if they were, recognised they would’ve that Leaders are obligated to ensure the populace safety, EXAMPLES;
1. Cigarette smoking is one of the major causes of preventable deaths, thus Governments enacted policies, forcing cigarette advertisement bans from all media and sporting events, along with exorbitant taxes to incapacitate the industry. Further, smoking is banned in public places, with graphic cigarette packaging warnings, and smoking cessation programmes.
2. Then the banning of the profit driven Payday loans, that carried exorbitant interest, in exploiting the impoverished.
3. And the exponentially increasing diabetes cases, underpinned by increasing obesity, driven by easily accessible fast foods, and addressed by high taxes on fast food, along with regulation of ingredients used and Japan’s fat tax etc.
4. Further, childhood obesity, with the associated complications, is at concerning levels down to sweets, sweet drinks etc. As a result, advertisement of such products were banned from children’s TV programme etc.
Thus I assert, the aforementioned interventions didn’t make those Leaders dictators, rather it presented them as caring, so acted in the best interest of the populace. For recall we can, the recent Covid pandemic, where Leaders limit liberties to protect the vulnerable, who stood a sneeze away from hospitalisation and death. Therefore, carnival must be examined in this context, of Leaders intervening in protecting the vulnerable, from an economic, social, health burden etc.
1. For carnival comes with health implications, eg unwanted pregnancies, STDs, HIV among other communicable diseases. But with our healthcare archaic at best, this extra burden can’t be accommodated.
2. As a society ladened with social ails, adding more alcohol, illicit drugs, crimes etc, will certainly break the back of our fragile social fabric.
3. Our minimum wage is one of the lowest in the Caribbean and Latin America, yet we have the most financially demanding celebratory events eg Jam Zone. Therefore, advertising carnival and carnival loans for the impoverished, will push them in deeper poverty, with the associated implications.
4. Carnival is an imported, plagiarist concept, that will destroy our unique mashramani.
Thus, my unchanged position, President Granger erred in not vetoing a socially and economically destructive carnival. And in so doing, handed PPP an economic TNT, which they have detonated to stink, dutty and economically exploitive levels, in disempowering people that looks like us.