Phenotypically it’s what we see, that Black identity, reaffirmed in her tertiary education choice of Howard University. However, her mother, a Biomedical Scientist, proudly identified as that Indian, who counted her Black Jamaican husband, her equal. Nevertheless, their union not unique, is frown upon in our 83,000sq miles, where rhetorical questions are delivered with scorn- OMG, you have a Blackman’s baby. As a consequence, those of pathological bigoted minds, would count the Dougla child rejected, even as the mother is disavowed for crossing the Black line.
But with the decades counted, the Dougla rejected, evolved to the one elected- Vice President, and the most powerful woman in America. That said, many amongst us, are championing Indian Supremacy over equality, thus propagates a dark revisionist history, in disparaging her father’s ancestors. Where, blinded by the bright lights of, television and social media, they set out with lips of lies, to defame our ancestors- Indian indentured labourers built Guyana, as Black slaves lazily slept for 400+ years. Then with Kamala Harris political ascent, they rushed post-haste with racist pen, to emasculate this descendant of Black slaves, Professor Harris. For in our unbiased eyes, both parents were instrumental in her formative years, nevertheless the Indian Supremacists, would only underpinned her successes to Indian-Aryan blood.
However, this we know, such supremacists under normal circumstances, would never endorse the union that birthed Kamala Harris. Thus, the conclusion is painful, they approve Kamala Harris the Vice President, not Kamala Harris the person. Therefore, the defence was fiery- Keep your hands off her, saving embrace for our many Kamala Harrises rejected, because their mothers loved Black.
Dr. Shyamala Gopalan
But Dr Shyamala Gopalan, Kamala Harris’ mother, stood tall as an Indian woman, not consumed by her race. For aware she was, of the penalty of loving Black, so much so, her Black husband, Professor Harris, never met her parents.
As a result, confident we are, Dr. Gopalan would’ve scorned those Indian Supremacists, who set out to destroy our history, in exalting theirs. Further, abundantly confident we are, Dr. Gopalan, who marched with the Civil Rights Movement, would’ve embraced her daughter’s support of, Black Lives Matter.
Thus, informed by the aforementioned, context is provided for the Black Caucus refusal, to meet the recent PPP delegation, along with Kamala Harris’ decision, to communicate with Irfaan Ali via phone, rather than in person. For this we know, the Americans are acutely aware and displeased with PPP discriminatory policies, even as PPP now endeavours to whitewash, with propaganda handshakes. But VP Harris, who likely lives with the agony of her mother’s rejection, now stands tall, proudly carrying her mother’s anti-racism baton. As a result, two days after Irfaan Ali’s relegation to a phone call, she reaffirmed Biden’s administration repudiation of racism, with an in person welcome for Prime Minister Bainimarama, of Fiji.
Black Lives Matter
But their Won-Guyana represents the crime scene for their racist agenda, when Emancipation Day 2020, saw BLM murals adorning landmarks. For that act, innocuous and universal, angered PPP, to the extent that rebuttal was, All Lives Matter. Thus, confronted with such hellfire anger, over three benign words, many queried the rationale, even as we knew, it was two of the three words that triggered their wrath, Black and lives. For experiences have taught us, their policies are the antithesis of Black Lives Matter, thus struggled they’ve, to reconcile this with the Global cries.
Therefore, for their education, an hypothetical slogan, Uitvlugt University Matters, was created mural. Of which, the message is certainly not one of, ONLY Uitvlugt Universities Matter. Thus, to rebut, All Universities Matter, would be highly illogical, since Uitvlugt Universities Matter, is meant to raise awareness of circumstances unique to Uitvlugt University.
Anti-BLM policy
Nevertheless, PPP is inherently anti-BLM, evident in their policies. For over 1000 Public Sector workers were terminated without due process, because Black livelihoods don’t matter. The Sugar Industry received billions with Public Servants pittance, because Black livelihoods don’t matter. Covid grants distribution was asymmetrical, because Black livelihoods don’t matter. Theirs received billions while Buxton promises, because Black livelihoods don’t matter. Farmers counted billions while the Disciplined Service made beggars, because Black Livelihoods don’t matter. Orin Boston. Peter Headley. Henry boys. Sherwin Filley. Quinton Bacchus et al. All unarmed. All murdered by the State, because Black Lives don’t Matter.
Which takes us to election 2020, when PPP policy was one of manufacturing photo opportunities, while embracing random Blacks. Then their recent America sojourn, where their racist policy was exported, seeking Black Politicians, for photo opportunities propaganda. Therefore, the
And for this reason, a recent telephone communication with a gentleman, is one deserving of further examination. For the call was most awkward, with subtle baits of millions, if allegiances were pledged to their bottomless cup. But unsurprisingly, such was greeted with repudiation, since an unforgivable betrayal it would’ve been, to our ancestors’ blood sacrifices. That said, this gentleman carries the burden of racism, in having an Indian girlfriend, disavowed by her family for being romantically involved with a Blackman. Thus, no enigma this is, his decision to join the party that epitomises racism, was certainly underpinned by personal benefits.
However, the full picture was painted, with an inadvertent photo of himself and girlfriend, celebratory on State House Lawns, communicating the message- Visiting Irfaan Ali. Thus, not dissimilar to the PPP tokens, he was disavowed for supporting a party, whose agenda is to make us persona non grata, in the country our ancestors built.
Skins not kins
Nonetheless, of this we are cognisant, PPP embrace many who identify Black, knowing blinded they are, to our discrimination. For they see our discrimination, and stood silent. They see our exclusion, and stood silent. They see absent transparency, and stood silent. They saw our phantom murders, and stood silent. They saw our multiple post-2020 murders, and stood silent. They saw our Covid deaths, and stood silent. They saw our children education denied, and stood silent. For it took the Americans’ recent intervention, to be our intervention. For it took the Americans’ intervention, before then President Bharat Jagdeo, investigated
Ronald Gharaj’s phantom links. A Phantom death squad which slaughter hundreds like sacrificial lambs. Thus, for these reasons, they are skins not kins. For kins lookout for kins. However, their skins lookout for the despots and dollars, not the depressed.