Dear Editor,
Many things are not going right in Guyana. Under this current administration, little by little this county is sinking. Of course, many will not be able to see given the Government PR machinery creates daily facades that paint a bright Guyana.
Let’s start with the President. Despite having the privilege of having many advisors on conducting himself and looking President like. He continues to fail miserably. The hollering down style of him is unpresident like. While he thinks he is appearing as showing leadership and management, this is far from the truth. He tries to look leader like, yet I doubt, not even two terms can help him. He hollered down at a health official in Berbice, he hollered down at the pump man, he hollered down at GAWU head at the recent Enmore Martyrs Day, not before hollering down on the simple lady at Bartica. Of course GAWU representatives will not see or hear no wrong with the executive arm of government disrespecting their leader. They are part and parcel of the same. Nothing like two friends roughing each other. God knows if that was another PR stunts. What if citizens remind him how embarrassed they were when he couldn’t pronounced simple words at international events. The PR of sitting on the stage floor, putting hands over shoulders, cooking fish is inadequate to refine the President’s image as caring man. His gesticulation style of presentation with unnecessary tone escalation, again doesn’t add up in the Presidential ambience.
His Vice President: Guyana has had enough of Mr Jagdeo. The truth is he did his part for this country and he needs to retire. Some interview ago, he said in his retirement he would go relax, farm, and read books. Well it’s time. Almost every time President Alli is gaining media traction, his Vice President is somewhere on an outreach or holding a press conference. Thus, turning the attention to him. Look at the embarrassment the VICE news article has caused this government. Will President Alli have the gut to ask his VP to take a back seat? Where is the Prime Minister? Is his role ceremonial like the previous Prime Minister? Why are we hearing of the Vice President more than the Prime Minister? Almost every outreach shows the people are unhappy.
Guyanese are often seen as naïve. A little handout here and there does the trick. It would appear that this is the government’s long plan to fix Guyana. Drop a $50000 or $100000 as it sees fit without any consideration for long term prosperity. In this new handout era, Guyanese must not become blinded by the many sad realities that still obtain: bad roads, outdated public services, tiny house lots give away, poor wages, poor infrastructure, poor health care (persons still beg for money to go overseas for treatment), oil revenue disaster. Take a laugh. In this age, there was a long discussion whether $300USD should be the minimum wages while the upper echelons relax with their nice $7000USD. See why this is not One Guyana.
The problem is everyone knows the wrongs happening, sees the wrongs happening but fear is crippling them. Yes its hard to prove it but its there. Everyone has to live or they say on the street ‘money got to mek’. The truth is citizens have settled that in this country whether under APNU+AFC or PPP/C, nothing good will come since they have settle with either giant in any case.
This is the first time in history this country has seen such fragmented opposition. Clearly, this weak opposition is exactly what PPPC needs for its successful reign. Mr Norton needs to reshuffle his entire parliament team. He needs all his supporters on the ground. He needs international guidance on management on crafting a new way forward. Accept 2020 lost, move on from there. This living in denial is destroying the party. No need to address the AFC. It’s time that all the parties shed their individuality and come as one. Else Guyanese will always have the PPPC in government, even if the votes turn out goes down to 20%.
There are two Guyanese who stands out for their activism namely Glenn Lall and GHK Lall. Both men could have sit back and enjoy life, yet they dare to hold this government accountable. Mr Anand Persaud of Stabroek News stands as a giant for holding government accountable. We need to hear more from Mr Christoper Ram. Mr Freddie Kissoon has lost his objectivity somewhere and gives this government a free pass.
A wild government and weak opposition brings no good to Guyana. Guyanese cannot afford to be complacent. Yes, Guyana is a friends and families thing but be vigilant. Take the education, but still be smart. Stand up.
Yours truly
Fed up Guyanese.