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For the lyrics they blindly repeat, are the lyrics I studiously appraised, searching for that message unheard. But of Drake’s “Started from the bottom,” appraisal was brief, for easily relatable it was. For relate I could to abject childhood poverty, with nights of prayerful nonexistent dinner. For relate I could, to being that orphan, having experiences that shouldn’t have been experienced.
For relate I could, residing in an unsupported collapsed house, thus of no electricity, the streetlights and shop lights illuminated studies. For relate I could, to dinners being of Bourda Market scraps. For relate I could, to mates of affluence. Parents labelled doctors. Parents labelled lawyers. Parents labelled Ministers. Parents labelled rich and famous. But that unequal is now equal. For they’ve transitioned doctors and so have I. Now those at the top, counts one from the bottom. Social mobility. A medical Consultant at a prestigious UK teaching hospital. A Fellow of the prestigious Royal College of Physician of London and Edinburgh. A MSc in Medical Education. An unequal now equal. An education the greatest equaliser. That PPP denied tens of thousands like me.
And of my childhood I’m abundantly proud, for it has fostered in me, Lot’s Wife Syndrome.Thus looking back, tens of thousands of me have pillars of salt, for social mobility. Tens of thousands of impoverished children education denied for 21+ months, even as PPP memorialised reopened strip clubs and bars. Then 21+ months, of afterthought schools they partially reopened last.
Yet Priya Manickchand, like a headless chicken, runs around lying that schools were reopened first. Conflating her first with last. Thus, a rude awakening for clarity, of a reproductive embrace with Eros. And of closed eyes, flashing stars she visualised at 0:00hrs, then Eros at 0:05hrs. Thus my question, who was first and who was last? For this concept, clearly difficult to comprehend, hence hers to practice until perfected. But this I know, many in a state of diaphoresis, will most certainly come to her defence, lynching the messenger, yet are of silent nights and days, with her blatant lies, notwithstanding, the irreversible damage her policies have inflicted on our impoverished children. Of which, these columns did forewarn PPP, volumes upon volumes documented, underpinned by UNICEF, OECD among others. But no one listened, for those being harmed were plebs, of whom I’m counted.
But herein reaffirms ours an elitist society, with teachers of anger and protest, ascribing to Priya Manickchand a name she has long embraced. So with indignation, many presented with daggers to defend the education denier, who killed the aspirations of our impoverished children. But these very voices were silent with our children’s abuses, psychological afflictions and daily walks for a solitary meal. Thus the undefended these columns will defend, placing Priya Manickchand in the path of a never before seen feral blast. But this could’ve been avoided, for Priya being feral, should’ve been tethered, with that responsibility on Dr. Nicolette Henry. But Narcoleptic Nicolette fell asleep in the barn, the exemplar of an abysmal failure, allowing a feral Priya to ravage our children.
Children with child
Now once again, Pathetic Priya engages her tongue in vociferations, of matters best left unsaid. For in desperation to justify schools reopening, argued she did that 70+ children are with child, thus schools they need. So immediately eyes were on Narcoleptic Nicolette for a destructive rebuttal, but that wasn’t to be, as she reminded all that she has made her contribution. But truth be told, we never doubted her, with tens of thousands of our impoverished children, now without futures. Thus, of Pathetic Priya we scrutinised, discerning one who is brainlessly out of her depth, desperately clutching at straws. Hence of exasperation, many were with question, where is Nigel Dharamlall when we need him? Surely he could’ve given the damsel something more sturdy to clutch on.
So of a clueless Pathetic Priya and a helpless Narcoleptic Nicolette, these columns obligated in filling the responsibility vacuum.
But even before that’s undertaken, these columns of months after months extending a year, have documented underpinnings of the dangers of extended school closure. Thus of Pathetic Priya we query, 1. Why PPP waited until 70+ of our innocent children were sexually abused and with child, before acting? 2. Apart from reopening schools, what other interventions the Ministry has undertaken, with regards to the 70+ pregnant children? 3. Further, what’s the total number of children abused during the 21+ months school closure hiatus? 4. Finally, is an independent investigation being undertaken?
But these columns have also documented the psychological implications of extended school closures. So of Pathetic Priya we query, 1. What steps are being taken to screen and treat our children with psychological sequelae from extended school closure?
Two clueless peas in a pod
For this we know, over 50% of us are without internet, therefore only a brainless nematode couldn’t have foreseen that virtual teaching is destined to fail. Then, with school-days being of 6hrs, whose idea was it to compensate 6hrs with 1hr of virtual teaching? Further, why no one factored in the psychological impact on our children, unable to socialised with their friends? Why no one factored in that a society of pervasive domestic abuse, our children at home, were likely being abused? For Pathetic Priya must be in a bubble of the stupid not to know that domestic abuse is prevalent. But if unsure she is, a visit to the hospital mortuary will reveal number of abused women, having post-mortem. And for those reasons, as was argued in these columns, schools should’ve been reopened first and not last. Awaiting until 70+ children are pregnant is irresponsibility warranting resignation.
But in Narcoleptic Nicolette, we’ve another Granger Pacifist Academy alumnus, without the killer instinct. For it was her responsibility to tether a feral Priya, but impossible it was, when both arms were to the heavens, with closed eyes. And having abysmally failed, an opportunity was provided to gracefully exit, but once again she demonstrated allegiance to Sleepy Joe. For with APNU+AFC desperate for a Parliamentary Leader, she intentionally effectuated her resignation to 31st March, rather than immediate. And aggravating anger, she arrogantly stated, she will attend Parliament at her convenience, to represent the masses. What rubbish is that? The masses didn’t vote for APNU+AFC representation, based on convenience. Who the hell is Narcoleptic Nicolette to believe she can desecrate the chessboard. The Party is bigger than its constituent parts. Why should the party be held to ransom, for Sleep Joe and Narcoleptic Nicolette votes? As a matter of fact, that I wouldn’t wager a bet on, for they’re both likely to be asleep on Election Day.
So my advice to Narcoleptic Nicolette, delay your departure by one day. Just one day. To April 1st. April’s Fools Day. A day more fitting for Pathetic Priya and yourself to disappear.