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…proposes the establishment of oversight committee
Ahead of Wednesday’s debate on the Local Content Bill 2021, Opposition Member of Parliament David Patterson has submitted a number of proposed amendments intended to clearly define who is considered Guyanese, and to allow for the establishment of a Local Content Oversight Committee as against an Inter-Agency Advisory Committee as proposed by Government.
In the proposed legislation, which seeks to prioritize Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies in the procurement of goods and services for the enhancement of the value chain of the petroleum sector, Guyanese National is defined as a citizen of Guyana, however, Patterson, in his proposed amendments, said the definition should read ‘a citizen of Guyana; by birth.”
Additionally, through the Bill, the Government is proposing the development of Local Content Registers to detail Guyanese nationals for employment; and Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies from which goods and services may be procured. In the interest of transparency, Patterson is proposing that the Local Content Register be published on the website of the ministry with responsibility for petroleum or any other media in wide circulation. Importantly, the Opposition MP is seeking to have the register updated quarterly.
Importantly, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) MP is seeking to have Government’s proposed Inter-Agency Committee completely replaced with a Local Content Oversight Committee.
As such, he is proposing that Clause 20 to be amended. According to the proposed amendment (Clause 20 (2)), “The Committee shall consist of not than seven members appointed by the President; after nominations from the agencies adumbrated in 20 (3) are deliberated on by the Committee of Appointments of the National Assembly. “
According to Clause 20 (3), the members appointed to the Committee shall be selected from the Office of the President, Ministry of Labour, Private Sector Commission, National Toshaos Council, Guyana Bar Association, Labour Union, Parliamentary Opposition, Guyana Association of Professional Engineers, Transparency International Guyana Inc. and the Local Petroleum Organisations.
Under the current Bill, the Government has proposed that a large majority of the representatives be drawn from governmental institutions to form part of the Inter-Agency Advisory Committee, such as the Office of the President, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Guyana Revenue Authority, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Public Works, Guyana Office for Investment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The Private Sector Commission and the Labour Union were the only two non-governmental organisations listed.
The proposed amendments were submitted to the Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs on Tuesday, December 28.