—pregnant 15-year-old awaits justice eight months after crime
…says perpetrators are allowed to roam freely, while police drag out the investigation
“I was scared; I thought they were going to kill me,” she said. Jane said while the vehicle drove to an unknown location, she was given a bottle of water which was apparently laced with mind-altering substance. “I didn’t know what it was but all I know I wake up drowsy and naked in a house, that was the first house” she said.
By Svetlana Marshall
Eight months after she was abducted in the heart of the capital city – Georgetown – beaten, drugged up and gang-raped by a group of four men – a 15-year-old girl said the perpetrators have been left to roam the streets of Georgetown, possibly, in search of their next victim even as the Guyana Police Force drags its ‘feet’ on the investigation.
According to the teen, who found out that she was pregnant five months after the horrifying incident, it has been months since the Guyana Police Force contacted her on the matter.
In an interview with Village Voice News in the presence of her mother, who’s battling breast cancer, Jane (not her real name) said in February 2021, she was raped for hours after being shoved into a white car in the vicinity of Parliament Building.
In the car, there were four men, some of whom she recognised. “I know three of them by seeing them but one of the boys I didn’t recognise,” the girl said while noting that prior to the incident, the car frequently traversed in front their city home. “I was scared; I thought they were going to kill me,” she said. Jane said while the vehicle drove to an unknown location, she was given a bottle of water which was apparently laced with mind-altering substance. “I didn’t know what it was but all I know I wake up drowsy and naked in a house, that was the first house” she said.
Jane said she is unsure if she was raped in the first house. “Ah remember running down stairs naked, it was ah upstairs and down stairs house….and ah could hear a man asking, who is this girl,” she recalled. Jane said after the man objected to her being there, the rapists took her to another house. “The second house, that’s when de raping start,” she said.
The 15-year-old girl said one after the other, the men violently raped her, and when she put up a resistance, of the one of them began to beat her. “They tek turns in raping me – oral, anal, everything but I ain’t just let them do that to me, I put up ah fight, I start behaving mad,” she said.
The teen said after repeatedly putting up a fight, one of the men, whom she recognised, placed her on a motorcycle and took her to a burial ground, and left her there but not after raping her again. Jane was keen on pointing out that before she was taken to the burial ground, the men had gotten rid of her clothing.
“I had on a short blue pants, all ah duh get throw away, and a black bathing suit with a buckle thing in front, all ah duh get throw way the same night, they only left me with a white jersey,” she detailed. The teen said she was left to walk home almost naked. But instead of going home, the teen walked to the closest police station, where she immediately filed a report. The teen’s mother was subsequently called in, and later she was escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was medically examined.
According to the 15-year-old, one of the four men was arrested but was subsequently released. Jane said the matter was later transferred to the Ruimveldt Police Station, however, since then they have not been able ascertain status of the case. “Every time we go, is either the police woman deh pun lunch break or she unavailable, till now we can’t know what going on,” the teen complained. She said after repeatedly visiting the police station, the female police officer advised that she file a report with Blossom Inc – a non-governmental organisation that’s supports the protection of children from trauma.
“I did and they did a recorded interview with me. Welfare does come too but I don’t know when last I see them,” she said. The teenager expressed frustration at the slothful manner in the Guyana Police Force appears to be investigating the matter. “It’s months now, and till now nobody can’t be charged but I see them passing up and down my house,” she said.
The teen questioned whether her case is being brushed aside because of her social and financial status.
Jane, who lives in a single parent home with her mother and four of her five siblings, said she began feeling unwell around July – some five months after the incident – and was advised to do an ultra-sound. It was then she received the shocking news – she was five months pregnant.
“I wanted to get rid of it but they said I can’t, it was too big,” she said. Having being raped by four men, the teen is uncertain of who the father is. The teen said to compound the situation, she is being taunted by some members of the community, who made fun out of the fact that she had been raped by four men. After being continuously bullied, the teen went away to Linden, where she stayed with her Godmother for some months before returning home. Her godmother had traveled and would be returning to Guyana at the end of the year.
Life not easy
But life has not been easy. “My mother has cancer, so she can’t work anymore. Only my big brother working, he does try and support we, but many days we does got to go over by we auntie and eat, she does give we food,” the girl told this newspaper.
With their small one-bedroom wooden home already crowded, Jane is uncertain where she and her baby will stay following her delivery. According to her, housing arrangements have already been put in place for her 13-year-old sister, who is currently in the hospital after giving birth. The 13-year-old became pregnant after moving into a house with a young man.
“They said she will go by we aunt, but I ain’t know where I gun stay,” the 15-year-old girl said.
Desperate for help, Jane reached out to former Minister of Government Simona Broomes. “As you know times hard, it real hard,” the teen told this newspaper while noting that due to her family’s financial circumstances, she has been unable to secure basic items ahead of her delivery date in November.
Through her organization – the Broomes Foundation – the former Government intends to provide support to the rape victim and expectant mother. However, to secure additional items ahead of Jane’s delivery date, Broomes will be hosting a baby shower in the coming week to allow persons who are interested in making a contribution, to do so. “Persons can feel free to contact me, because she has to get both short and long term support,” Broomes said. However, Broomes expressed disappointment in manner in which the case is being treated. “We will be demanding justice,” she said.
“I believe that the system is failing our young people,” Broomes added while pointing out that Jane’s 13-year-old sister would also require help. “She’s just 13-years-old, her case should also be thoroughly investigated…the system cannot continue to fail our young people,” Broomes emphasized. Based on statistics coming out of the Guyana Police Force, there has been an increase number of rape cases in 2021 when compared to 2020. According to the police, by the end of June, 153 rape cases were reported when compared to 90 during the same period last year.