And even with multitudinous assessments, conclusions will concur that being of hyperventilation and racehorse pulse, she must be anxious. For a telephonic interface it was, emergency services operator engaged but her being with distressing symptomatology meant operator’s minutes were required to restore physiological normalcy. Then, with restoration of tranquility and talking, the predictable mundane it was, “How can I help?” And with deep inhalation, likely for cerebral oxygenation, she volunteered that her neighbour’s house is ablaze. But the operator having done skyward of 50,000 such calls, numerically of PPP failed jobs promises, queried the whereabouts of the neighbour. Then forthwith, surrendering to an agonising adrenaline overload, she stuttered and spluttered the neighbour’s locale to the garden with wine, closely observing her engulfed house of flames. Indeed, the operator, albeit of forty years experience, was rendered paralytically perplexed by this bizarre response, thus clarity was sought on the neighbour’s awareness that her house is aflame. Most astonishingly, the response was, no she isn’t, awakening the antonymous present yet absent dilemma. So with mandatory boxes ticked, and eager to exit this most surreal of calls, the operator inquired of the neighbour’s name. Madam…..her name is Priya Manickchand. Obvious it’s, but clueless is she that her house is an inferno.
Inconsequential education strategy
In fact, this expose’ antecedes 18 months when schools were glued, providing squatting for insects, mammals and rodents. But such were innocuously trivial, for the notorious Covid-19 of prison number SARS-CoV-2 escaped the walls of Wuhan Rikers Island, leaving in its wake, WHO Pandemic Interpol. And being of such gravitas, WHO Interpol mandated thereunder, schools’ Covid-19 preparatory protection works.
Social distanced hand-washing facilities.
Social distanced alcohol sanitisers.
Social distanced seating.
Lateral-flow kits for testing of staff and students
Covid-19 policies to guide schools.
Covid-19 training for staff and students.
Public Health Practises, where practicable.
But having painfully journeyed one year north since this WHO mandate, unscientific Lady Science remains hopelessly clueless, thus unashamedly delegated her responsibilities to teachers by feinting busy saving lives at the school of grey that neighbours the notoriously grey lockup. In fact, her comical idea of saving lives is vaccinating 0.1% of our children, days before the Covid classrooms should’ve reopened, oblivious that these vaccines effectuate in months, thus those deceived remain vulnerable.
Unpalatable balderdash
But Lady Science of 99 problems, shan’t count the futuristic, as one. For her new education strategy, set to replace Covid in collaborating the world, is futuristically registered for 2021-2025. And being cocksure of strategy, Covid-19 duly acquiesce, leaving us mortals to virally adapt. But of unbothered demeanour, Lady Science tarry not;
“So, this is a sector plan being published here for all the world to see and in collaboration with all over the world, to make sure that we’re all on the same page, to change those numbers, and give us outcomes that will see each child, each family, each community doing better in education.”
But comment I must, of the aforesaid futuristic abstract garbage, which is surely the most unpalatable balderdash ever uttered to a living audience. For our eyes hath seen Lady Science adaptability to Covid-19 but our children, 18 months education denied, lack such adaptability. In fact, burdened they’re with the unjust life sentence of education hysteresis, which speaks to the consequences of prolonged school closure. And the evidence is unambiguous, extended period away from school leads to disengagement, while those in class struggle with restricted IQ and bleak career prospects. Could $19,000 compensate for their career aspirations loss?
In fact, data out of France revealed that 8% of students weren’t contactable two weeks after schools closure. In Los Angeles, 13% weren’t contactable three weeks after the lockdown. For this’s the painful reality, the vast majority of these children, disproportionately from low socio-economic groups, will completely disengage from the education system. And extrapolating 18+ months education denied, our children’s life chances are of dire probabilities. Thus, without further abstraction dilly dallying, Lady Science should get to work in formulating strategies to rescue these children, leaving the abstract to intellectuals, which she’s not.
Unadulterated nonsense
Indeed, this I must proffer, scholarship isn’t prerequisite for leadership, as many would concur that integral to leadership is empathy, a quality unknown to Lady Science. For how could she formulate this nugatory futuristic education strategy while our traumatised education denied children coexist with a deadly virus? Why not a strategy to collaborate schools? But then again, that isn’t her or PPP’s burden, hence they unhesitatingly carry on.
“As such, we must develop a posture of responsiveness to accommodate unforeseen circumstances…..”
And moved on she surely has, but that shan’t excuse her spewing unadulterated calamitous mumble jumble. For we demand to know her justification in gabbling such balderdash when our children are fearfully grappling with a PPP orchestrated Covid-19 catastrophe? Please let us know, how can our children accommodate the unforeseen circumstance in Covid-19?
In fact, from a recent survey undertaken by Orgiles et al, the psychological impact of Covid-19 on children is burdensome. For 1,143 Italian and Spanish parents were recruited, to observe emotional and behavioural changes in their children, during the quarantine- Difficult concentrating 76.6%, boredom 52%, irritability 39%, restlessness 38.8%, nervousness 38%, loneliness 31.3%, uneasiness 30.4%, worries 30.1%. Indeed, the data stands testimony to the high probabilities our children share in developing pandemic related anxiety, among on psychological morbidities.
The fact is, under 2yrs of this pandemic, there’re already worldwide increases in mental illness and suicides, among children. For these findings revealed that our children, in these very distressing times, should’ve been provided mental health support. And for this, we implore those sleepers in PPP to snap out of their slumber and urgently formulate Covid-19 policies for our schools.
And this Lady Science brainless nonsense of schools developing individual policies will certain fail because of inconsistent standards, making appraising performances impossible. But such isn’t PPP priority, for they rather demonstrate their propensity to insensitivity, by reducing our children to gesture politics political puppets of euphemism, “Because we care.” In fact had PPP cared, being fully aware that schools were never going to be reopened, they wouldn’t have had our children endure inconsequential political vaccinations, days before school reopens. Now they’re home and confused, praying it’s not another 18 months.
Likewise, this new education strategy is nothing but a smokescreen to coverup Lady Science’s failings. For it’s counting a year since installed, yet policies to address the urgent mental health crisis facing our 18 month education denied children, aren’t forthcoming. But if unaware she is, red alert this is, Covid-19 dwells amongst us, for which commonsensical strategies to protect our children, are long overdue.
Indeed, extremely concerned we’re that Lady Science’s house is of a Covid inferno, yet wine she sips while discussing the abstract of educationally collaborating the world. For this question we must…. who will rescue our children from this hopelessly clueless square peg?
Dr Mark Devonish MBBS MSc. Med. Ed. FRCP(Edin) FRCP
Consultant Acute Medicine
Nottingham University Hospital