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International Day to Stop Racial Discrimination 2021 finds Guyanese youth launching the campaign “Make Guyana A Racism Free Zone”. The campaign consists of a call for all places where people gather to mount a written pledge to make that place – whether shops, clinics, police stations, offices, sports clubs, offices or places of religion – a racism-free zone.
The Pledge Certificate spells out what ‘Racism-Free’ means in terms of discouraging behaviours and attitudes that encourage racism and encouraging racially harmonious behaviour. Such behaviour includes:
NOT AVOIDING individuals and groups of other races…
NOT HOLDING people of other races in low esteem…
AVOIDING TAUNTING, pestering or threatening behaviour towards people of other races
NOT INCITING HATE SPEECH or fabricating or exaggerating racial stories
NOT ELIMINATING isolation or banning of racial groups
Each organization that commits to the Pledge inserts the name and signs the certificate then mounts the Certificate in a prominent place in the venue.
The Campaign was inspired by a similar campaign launched by Rights of Children (ROC) on International Human Rights Day 1999. The design has been enhanced and because of technology advances can now be available virtually
While International Day to Stop Racial Discrimination is the formal launch of the campaign, youth organization have already been distributing Certificates in Regions 2, 3 and Region 4 thanks to the Leo Club of Georgetown Stabroek and the East Coast Clean-Up Committee, as well as by a number of CPCE student teachers and in Region 10 by the Linden Youth Leaders organization. Some of the organizations that have willingly signed and displayed the pledge are the Georgetown Mayor and City Council; the General Nursing Council; ISA Islamic School; Linden Mayor and Town Council; McKenzie High School; Belladrum Village Office and Belladrum Health Centre
Benita Davis, Coordinator of the Campaign stated “We hope that having these pledges publicly featured would assist in reducing racism and placing Guyana one step closer to achieving harmony among Guyanese. Murals supporting the campaign will be painted on the fence of the Linden sports hall and Belladrum ball field in the upcoming week. A virtual Concert supporting the campaign is scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 2021. If you require additional information on any of our activities please do not hesitate to contact us.
Pledge certificates can be obtained in electronic or hard copy form from Policy Forum Guyana (PFG) whose youth organizations are leading this campaign.
Policy Forum Guyana
International Day To Stop Racial Discrimination