Dear Editor,
I have noted that President Ali has recently executed outreaches in Regions Two and Six and directly shown Central Government’s support for the regional administration and the local municipalities. These actions are disappointing, since they are not being mirrored in other regions, municipalities and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils that are seemingly APNU/AFC.
There is a billboard erected on Homestretch Avenue, Georgetown, with President Ali’s face with a caption that reads “President for All”.
If President Ali is indeed a president for all of Guyana, there are issues that need urgent attention in the capital city that require the Central Government and the Mayor and City Council working together to the benefit of the citizens.
The capital city is the hub of economic activity and development, but is being hindered from fulfilling its potential by non-cooperation of Central Government. This is counterproductive and can only serve to disenfranchise thousands of citizens in the various constituencies, which coincidentally are also considered APNU/AFC strongholds.
Further, the Council has been unable to keep up to date with the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) since 1994 and has accumulated several debtors over the years. *With the removal of the subvention, many of the services which should be offered to taxpayers, by the M&CC have been stymied. This is as a direct action taken by the Central Government, one that proclaims to be a Government for all. *
Thus, I believe it is time President Ali and his Government put rhetoric aside and genuinely serve all the people of Guyana. Let your words and your actions match.
Rohan Jagnarine